KaMeek Lucas Taitt

August 30, 2021

Getting lost in the sauce

Hey friends,

Lately, I’ve been spending so much time worried about what’s happening tomorrow, next week, hell, even 6 months from now and it’s been exhausting! Mix in a little Imposter Syndrome, and it's a classic case of stressing out over what I can’t control. 

I fell out of my routine of calm mornings and instead, I immediately fell into emails and updates as to what’s happening with work, among everything else. I’ve realized it’s so easy to focus on all the things that are out of my control. I have to remember that everything will work itself out in the end.  Life always find a way.

It’s easy to forget, but what’s important for me I feel, is to focus on the present, on the things that are right in front of me. When you’re reminded that you’ve fallen off the wagon, it really helps you take a step back and find yourself again. Writing you this message also help put things in perspective.

Quote of the Week
"It was not how hard people worked that determined whether they were successful, it was what they worked on and how they worked when they worked." - Gene Bedell from The Millionaire in the Mirror
Books I'm reading this week
  • Yearbook by Seth Rogen - I don't typically read memoirs from famous people but after listening to Rogen's interview on Howard Stern, I thought I'd give it a try and so far, it's honest and hilarious. It's exactly everything you think a book by Seth Rogen would be.
  • Once Upon a time in Hollywood by Quentin Tarantino - I'm sure you've seen the movie and what I can say so far is that this isn't an exact replica of the film. I'm about 5 chapters in and it's pretty engaging. 

Articles I’ve enjoyed this week
  • Tech workers who secretly work multiple remote jobs - I can't even imagine how difficult it must be to pull this off. Everyone is doing what they have to do to get multiple paychecks. Can't knock the hustle as they say.
  • Google and Microsoft promise billions to help bolster US cybersecurity - Cool to see big tech companies working with the Government to help with Cybersecurity
  • Shailene Woodley on Why She Doesn’t “Live and Breathe Acting” - I've always been a fan since her breakout roles over a decade ago. Cool to see how she's grown into a really interesting person. Here's a quote from the article that I felt was really telling where she talks about bullying - "Perhaps some of that can be traced to the empathic ethos that she says her parents “drilled into my brother and me as children,” she says. “When we were kids, if somebody was bullying us, the conversation was always, ‘I’m sorry that you got hurt, Shai,’ and also, ‘You can’t be upset with that person because you don’t know what’s going on at their home. How do you think they learned to bully? They were probably bullied at home or they probably saw someone else being bullied.’ It was this idea that we never know what’s behind the cover of something, and judgment or assumption really does nothing but poison ourselves.”

Until next time,

About KaMeek Lucas Taitt

Film Producer / Director, an Open minded Tourist of Life. NYC to LA transplant. Currently in development on MERLIN; and NAUTILUS for AMC. ∞ / 21 million