KaMeek Lucas Taitt

June 4, 2021

Not feeling satisfied?

Even though the job pays well and the savings account is plump, we sometimes work from home in our pj's feeling incredibly unsatisfied, like there’s so much more we could accomplish, but we don’t always make the change, why?

For me, back in 2016, I was in a similar position. I worked my ass off to make a new life for myself here in California so I can stay and make movies, but it felt like I was getting way too comfortable with the money I was making, and over time, I found myself becoming less and less ambitious, forgetting the person who made himself incredibly uncomfortable by moving to Los Angeles with just $700 dollars to my name 5 years prior. 

So I say all that to say, to get in your comfort zone and position yourself to do the things you REALLY want to do, sometimes you have to make yourself a little bit uncomfortable. Have that conversation about the raise you deserve, make the cross country move to a new city and make your dreams a reality. 

Think about how you want your work days to look, and if what you’re doing isn’t satisfying you, write out the steps that need to happen so you can pivot to something that will challenge you, and ultimately be worth it.

We only live once 🙌🏾

Is there anything holding you back from making a big change? If so, what?

About KaMeek Lucas Taitt

Film Producer / Director, an Open minded Tourist of Life. NYC to LA transplant. Currently on MERLIN & NAUTILUS for Disney.