Transitions seems to be the topic of the upcoming two months. Projects are ending, new beginnings are opening up, and life seems to be heading in a meaningful direction again:
- I will finally finish my dance training (the next few weeks I have already been hired to do 3 (3!!) workshops for students – absolutely incredible! More to come in the new year, I hope 🤞)
- I will move to a beautiful new apartment in December and finally leave behind the eternal stress of living with 12 other people in a worn-out house with parties happening every other night and weed being smoked on a daily basis (nothing against parties and weed, but geee... 👀)
- I will (hopefully) get over my digestive Candida infection soon and re-boost my energy and health (can't wait to drink coffee normally again 🥲)
- I will turn 25 (25!! 😱, mid-mid life crisis incoming!)
I'm excited to see where I'll be at the end of the year (2021 is almost over, isn't that crazy? Feels like it could still be April). Life really doesn't slow down when you get older, huh? As a kid, I was always told that children experience life at a much slower pace than adults, and damn, I agree.
On My Mind This Month
Here are five things, I think you should know about:
1. Book | Works Of Love, Søren Kierkegaard (1840): Diving into the philosophy of this old Danish genius is fascinating, and although the context of his writing is Christian, there is a lot to take away from his musings. This won't be the last book I read by him.
1. Book | Works Of Love, Søren Kierkegaard (1840): Diving into the philosophy of this old Danish genius is fascinating, and although the context of his writing is Christian, there is a lot to take away from his musings. This won't be the last book I read by him.
2. Reddit | This might be my absolut favorite r/ currently – I find it absolutely fascinating to read the sometimes random and sometimes thought-provoking mindfarts of people around the world (like this one 👇)

3. YouTube | Our Changing Climate: I stumbled upon this channel this week, and I'm impressed by the content. Lots of facts and ideas about how we can turn the climate challenge around 🌱.
4. News | Zetland: You know you're getting old when you have a newspaper instead of a Netflix subscription 🙈, but this Danish news provider is really cool, offering long-reads on well-researched topics (with audioversions of all the content) instead of breaking-news and click-bait gossip.
5. Podcast | Lanz & Precht: A German philosopher and a South Tirolian talkshow host come together once a week to discuss politics, society, ethics, humanism, and much more. Sophisticated, insightful and entertaining. I'm a big fan.
I'll end with this 'cause I can't stop laughing about it (yes, I laugh at my own jokes)

Take care 🤍!