Ken Hilburn

June 30, 2021

Day-hiking checklist

You know what stinks? Getting to the trailhead and realizing you've forgotten your hiking boots. "Ridiculous!" you say? Well, I know a guy who did that once. No, not me. A friend.

Whether it's boots, water, money for parking fees, or notifying that special someone of where you'll be, there are things we should remember to check before we leave the house. So, here's the list that I use every time.


(You can find more items and explanations of why they're important in my book "Day Hiking the Appalachian Trail in Georgia. Here's an excerpt from the book:

☑ Bug spray — Did you know there are bugs in Georgia? It’s true. Some of them bite.

☑ Benedril or other antihistamine — And when those bugs bite (or sting) this is not the time to get swole. A swollen knee, ankle, or worse can make a long hike scary.

☑ Ace bandage — For sprains. Even if you don’t need it, you’re most likely to encounter some who does. #goodsamaritan
☑ Bag for trash — Ahhh, the great outdoors. Bright clean sunshine, tall green trees, crystal clear streams... and plastic food wrappers. Yep, you’re going to find the detritus of your fellow outdoor “lovers”. Take a second to pick up any manufactured droppings you find. Mom nature will thank you.