
December 29, 2022

CouchDB: My new_edits confusion

`new_edits` is a boolean option to pass as query parameters for a PUT or BULK_DOCS operation. It is meant to be used by replicators only. I am writing a replicator! So I ought to use it. Then it costed me a day to learn what it really means and what are expected from it. Needless to say, since writing a replicator is not a common thing to do, the documentation about it is lacking. I am quite ready to be confused, and then I was today.

First minor confusion: this flag is default to be `true`. To force CouchDB to accept the document as-is, ultimately the `rev` will not cause any complaint, this flag need to set as `false`. `new_edits` is actually the correct term. In normal time, `PUT` are usually a new edition of the document. But for CouchDB to verify this PUT is legit, the `rev` need to match the latest winning document. A legit normal PUT should have a document with new content, old rev and `new_edits=true`.

Then, as replicators, we need to deliberately create a conflicting document. `new_edits=false` is the way to let us do that. The dumber me in the morning thought passing this `new_edit=false` with my document will tell CouchDB to give me a new rev, by passing it the same old rev again. But CouchDB kept giving me back the same old rev in the response, instead of a new rev that generate by CouchDB.

Typing this really show how dumb I was. As replicators, we had the document with the wrong rev already! And expecting CouchDB to generate a new rev for a conflicting document is unreasonable!

A force PUT to deliberately creating a conflict should have a document with another content, a previously generated rev in another DB and `new_edits=false`. 

About Kuan

Web developer building with Flutter, Svelte and JavaScript. Recently fell in love with functional programming.

Malaysian. Proud Sabahan. Ex game developer but still like playing games.

New found hobby is outdoor camping with my love.