
September 24, 2022

Stable Sparky and Adventurous Manjaro

I installed the stable Sparky (Debian based Linux distro) not too long ago. To try out a lighter Linux installation with i3 Window Manager. Lean! 

The journey is bumpy. Explosive even. I nuked my configurations for Kakoune, nnn and Kitty in the process. I was trying to do a common configuration for common application by storing the configuration files at a shared partition and symlinked them into each Linux's `/home` folder. Fancy and work like a charm.

But how did I screwed up? The problem was with nnn. An outdated nnn installation to be precise. There was a bug in UI which failed to show selected items when I jumped tabs. 

I came back to Sparky today to continue my setup. Got the fonts to work, link up all the symlinks I planned, install the rest of the missing tools: Starship, git(!), etc. After all these, I decide to find out why is my Sparky's nnn has the bug but my Manjaro's nnn is doing well. I noticed there are some missing feature in Sparky's version too. Then I checked out the version. Sparky's nnn is two years old.

Strange! For me. But, I am the idiot here. TIL: Stable Debian is seriously stable. Packages can be couple of versions behind. I choose Sparky Stable to start with!

Living in the Manjaro/Arch world for the past few years. Didn't realized I was being adventurous all this while. 

About Kuan

Web developer building with Flutter, Svelte and JavaScript. Recently fell in love with functional programming.

Malaysian. Proud Sabahan. Ex game developer but still like playing games.

New found hobby is outdoor camping with my love.