Hey Majestic

June 16, 2024

The Joy of Pokemon

Dear Heavenly Father, this is Andrei, your grandson... your sinning grandson who is never enough and cannot live without Your Son, Yeshua Ha'Maschia (Jesus Christ) of Nazareth in my life guiding me and being the rock foundation that I live upon. Father, my life has been difficult, as I can see in so many other of your grandchildren and I see that when I put Your Son First in my life, I see your blessings and I see your Kingdom and your authority and your legacy. I've seen you bless me, while molding me, and shaping the very being that you have always known me to be. I can see it. Father, I can see your Son's hand. The holes... the agony, the suffering, the ascension... I can see His hand in my own life. I am not worthy but I graciously appreciate and give thanksgiving to You and Him for Your Will be done in my life so that I may be an example to Your other grandchildren, my neighbors, that the Light of Christ is within all of us and we all have the Holy Spirit within us. Your Holy Spirit teaches me and I willingly ask for the Holy Spirit to teach me and the Hands of Your Son, to mold the clay that is my Salvation and eternal life in Heaven. Growing up, Father, You saw everything. You know what I went through. You know the path that You sent me on. I don't understand why. I can't understand why. It is incomprehensible to me how and why what happened to me happened to me, but it did and it was Your Will for me. I failed at every step along the way and I fell into Sin with every step that I took. I need Your Son to electrocute me and give me life again so that I can continue to do Your Will and continue to be molded and shaped into the Christ that I join and become in Heaven. You have laid out mysteries and You've created a Church that can feed the Holy Spirit within each of us. You've allowed children to go through unthinkable horrible realities, including my own, and while I ultimately am at fault for my own Sin, I am still confused why so much evil exists in the world... thousands of Years after Your Son died on a cross to redeem mankind. Why have Your Chosen People, as they call themselves, wrecked havoc on the world and, who, in my understanding, represent the Anti-Christ and the true depravity of evil that we see on this planet. I see Your Chosen People to be waging war on the Gentiles and complicit in genocide and horrific child abuse. I do not understand it. Your Son told me that the language that You speak is love. L. O. V. E. Love. What I see in Your Chosen People, is not love. I see racism in them. I see hate in their hearts. I see adultery in their ways. Thousands of years later after You Gave Them Your Son to redeem their Salvation... how long are you going to allow them to continue to deny Your Son? How much longer does it need to go on where the Ashkenazi, Sephardic,  Mizrahi, Beta, Bene, Cochin, Bukharan, Kaifeng, Italian, Romaniote, and Mountain Jews. According to Your Will experienced on this world, I see these groups of people as Your Chosen People Whom Your Son Died On A Cross To Redeem And Provide Eternal Salvation. You give us grace. You give us liberty. You give us freedom. You give us the ability to choose You or Choose evil, for You are Love and there is no love in evil. Each and every one of us have a choice at the end of the day and we have the ability to choose wrong, but before we even choose, You already know what will happen regardless of what we choose, and when we fall and stumble, it only isn't until we are crying like a naked infant begging for You to pick us up and help us, and You finally reveal Yourself and when You do, You change us. You've changed me each and every single time that You've picked me up after I've stumbled and fallen down, acknowledging that I am a sinning rake of dust that is trapped in a matrix reality of unbelivers who persist the Synagogue of Satan. I see race wars. I see ethnic cleansing. I see human trafficking. I see child abuse. I lived it. I saw it. First hand. I saw it. I lived it. IT WAS YOUR WILL FOR ME. WHY? I ask you, Father, why? Please, enlighten me and fill my soul with your Holy Spirit to teach me and allow my words to be read by others and allow Your Hand to touch theirs. Please... forgive me for I am a sinner and I need a Savior. Please... forgive me. Allow me to pick myself up by my bootstraps and face the Kingdom of the World with enlightenment and no fear of evil for You are with me. I love you and I always have and You have always been there for me, even when I didn't know myself, calling myself names, and living by other people's standards for me, while ignoring the Will of the Church that was passed down to man from the Holy Spirit and compiled over 300 years after Your Son died. Angels learn about You from Church and so don't I. I am still learning, Father, for I am a child and I need your Holy Son's Hand to rise me, to electrocute me, to end the sinning existence that has entrapped me in the worst kinds of slavery known to man kind... child trafficking. Why Father, was my picture in catalogs of children who were available for purchase where my picture was circulated in international adoption agency websites? Was it Your Will that I find a new home? Was It Your Will That I Am The Last Survivor Of That Orphanage? Was it YOUR Will that I be raped? Was it YOUR WILL that I get spit on in the face by the people who purchased me whom I had lost all respect for after my next-door neighbor violated me and threatened me into silence? I was too ashamed to come to You for help then. I was too ashamed of what had happened. I was too scared, like a child, of going back to the orphanage. My silence was worth the suffering in my opinion and I understood that it too was Your Will. What I cannot understand is why, though, Heavenly Father. What I am confused about is why. Why did you have Christians at every step along the way facilitating in the international adoption alongside the Synagogue of Satan as they profited off my suffering? Your Will is seen done through all of us who surrender our own lives to Your Son and bring all of our worldly fleshly troubles to die on the Cross so that we may ascend into Heaven and live a live that truly Blesses You, Heavenly Father, and shows just what Heavenly Love looks like to others. Love for You surpasses all love for material things. You have taught me that and I feel it so strongly in my heart that when I selflessly give to those in need, it feeds my soul and it humbles my blessings of Thee. I have seen first hand that when Heavenly Love is exercised through Your Grandchildren, they truly are allowing the Holy Spirit to lift them up in prayer and do Your Will, no matter what they were forced to witness. No matter how much evil You exposed them to, You have known your grandchildren in their hearts and minds and You see their true self for who they really are, which is a vessel for the Holy Spirit and thus a Godly machine to experience Heaven, however WE CHOOSE TO DISOBEY and WE CHOOSE TO DENY YOU still to this day, as a society, and as a civilization. We continue to deny Your Heavenly and Holy existence that Lives and dwells among us while we coexist with Evil. Why? Why do we have to have evil in the first place? When I am taught that all sin is equal and all sin results in death, it means even just thinking a bad thought means that I am condemned to death for I have sinned, and yet, I live on. Yet I draw another breath. Yet I am given Your Grace and Your Mercy because You love me, and I love you, and for Your patience in my learning, as I am a child, I beg for you to send Your Holy Spirit to me to teach me so that I may not displease You. I am eager to learn. I am hungry. Your Son gives the bread of life and only my sins can be washed away in His Blood that was shed on Calvery so that I may have a chance to sharpen myself and chisel myself into who You know me to be. You see, Father, I changed my name 5 years ago because I believed that Your Son came to me when I was most down on myself and I was about to bring life into the world. I needed to confront the orphanage head on because frankly speaking, therapy never addressed it. Everything was focused on my birth mother, whom I did not know. Nothing was focused on what was done to me. Nobody around me knew what was done to me. Only You do. I am thankful and I am grateful that You have revealed to me what they did to me, but I go back to my childishness of confusion and ask you, why? Therapy ignored everything relevant to the actual problems that I was faced with as a child. First and foremost, I struggled significantly with the name change and the language change that happened to me overnight. Your Holy Spirit chose not to give me the gift of tongues so that I may be able to speak both Romanian and English together, and that is Your Will for me and as much as I am hurt by that, I understand that it is Your Will for me and that if I want to learn Romanian, I must invest the time to do so, but I don't... with the one exception that I know will lead me to no answers, which is why I won't do it. But not for me, but for her, should I learn Romanian for her? Why? She wasn't a believer of You or Your Son when she did what she did to me and I have forgiven her profusely but been reliant on translators both human and technical. Do I have to say to her face, in Romanian, I forgive you for giving me up for adoption? I never wanted to be raised by her. I never knew who she was. She abandoned me at 7 days old and only when I was purchased, did she decide that it was best that I go to the Trimm family. I know that was You. I know it. I know that you were protecting Your grandchildren because You love them. My adoptive parents, Merle and Cindy Trimm, they are good people who sin uncontrollably and who live unrepentant to their evil ways. I see the good in them, just as You see the good in me and everyone else. I see the mercy and the grace and the love that You shower us with everyday. I see the blessings. I am thankful for them and I am very quick to acknowledge Your Son's Hand when He reveals Him Way to me. The molding of our clay lives by Your Hands is a complex process that truly I do not understand, but I can see it now. I can see Your Will in each of us and I can see each of us fighting Your Will as if it was a spiritual war that has been raging on for thousands of years. Only when, I ask, will the war settle and there be declared peace in Your Victory? Does the entire planet have to lose hope first before You will fix things? Do I have to lose hope too before I see with my fleshly eyes Your Justice for what was done to me in Romania? The crimes being committed by the Jewish Romanian Communists have remained unprosecuted to this day it feels like because I see it happening everywhere... and I see the tears coming down the eyes of the children who too have to be subjected to trafficking, rape and abuse. I've been there. I've lived it. I hate having to coexist with it. I can't do anything. I am dust. I can't do anything. Only Your Holy Spirit can. Only Your Son can. Only THROUGH ME, can it happen and I beg you, Father, to please enlighten this child and forgive me for my sins and Your Son electrocute me so that I may live, but I need Your Holy Spirit in my life every single waking minute of every single day. It is hell down here. Is this hell? Was I condemned to hell by merely existing in this realm? How come I can see so much love and so much beauty in Your Kingdom when I look around? Why at the same time when I look around, do I see everyone else entrenched in a spiritual war that they are losing? Only a few do I see aware of the spiritual war and I feel like so few are willing to connect the dots of the spiritual war to the kinetic war that has been going on since the dawn of man? Even to this day, the fruits of the spiritual war can be seen throughout the kinetic and information wars that are going on currently, and I am begging and pleading with You Heavenly Father, to please save the children who are being trafficked and abused and harmed. Please... save them. The evil must stop. How much mercy and tolerance do I deserve? How much mercy and tolerance do the worst of the worst abusers of the world deserve? When will your mercy and grace to us expire? Is it too late? What is time anyway? I think it's an illusion, a trick of Satan but I can't explain it just like I can't explain why. Only You can explain why. Only You know why. I am stupid. I am ignorant. I am a nobody. I am dust. I know nothing. Fancy degrees. AAA Titles. Nothing. Dust. Meaningless. It means nothing. It's all vanity. Always has been. Always will be. I see no point of existence so long as You are not in my life. I see no reason to be here without Your Holy Spirit teaching me every single day. I see no reason to live without knowing that Your Son died so that I may live. I am angry with the world for how they treated Yeshua Ha'Maschiah. I am angry with the world for how they treated me too. I am angry at myself for my own sin. I am angry that I am not electrocuted by Your Son so that I may live. I am living life down here confused and lost and frankly speaking Heavenly Father, we need a Savior Now more than ever because the vast majority of people in Your world do not hate you, but love you and have been taught by the Church Your Will and Ways for us, yet society and government in particular, continues to ignore it and bend a knee to the Synagogue of Satan. To this day, I see Your Chosen People for the most part, openly deny Your Son and wage war on those who believe in Him. Why? After 2000 years, they still can't get over the usury, the child trafficking, the blood sacrifices, the pedophilia, etc. etc. etc. They still can't get over it? Instead, they publish new "Holy Texts" that are direct spiritual warfare against Your Kingdom and Your Ways and a complete abomination to life itself... and they are Your Chosen People? I am so confused. They murder unborn children in the womb because they view our vessel like an animal. They experiment on us uncontrollably and they lie and brainwash the public into submission and compliance. They murder Christians in Churches and it is Your Will for them. Why, Father? Why? I can never understand. I can never know. I was never one of Your Chosen People, but you put me with Your Chosen People who profess with their mouth that Yeshua Ha'Maschiah of Nazareth, or more commonly known as Jesus Christ, died on a cross after being convicted by Ponticus Pilot and rose on the 3rd day to proclaim that a New Covenant in His Blood was signed by You for us that whoever believes in Him shall be forgiven of their sins and have eternal life. I am not going to come to You Father, and proclaim me me me, or even ask you to do something specific for me in my life, but I ask for you to do something in the one who is reading this... in their life. They have true faith, Father. They can listen to me pray and they read and cry along with me to the evil that exists in this world and ask alongside me, Why? In Your Holy and Precious Son Yeshua Ha'Maschiah (Jesus Christ), I beg you and I ask you why? Please reveal to us why. Please end the evil. Please end the endless wars. Please let's have peace on earth and Christ as King. Let's do away with the countries. Let's do away with the languages. Let's have Heaven On Earth. Why not? Not ready yet? The clay isn't fully molded yet? Too many who call themselves Christians continue to fall into sin, like I do. And yet, we are still not yet perfected. I beg you, Father, please send Your Holy Spirit to teach me and enlighten me so that I may never sin again and that Your Will be done in me. I beg you. Please. I am a man of many words, but for myself, I do not speak, but through myself I speak. I speak for You and I speak for Your grandchildren so they may see the errors in their ways, turn to Your Son and repent of their ways so they too may have eternal salvation and the clay molding process of Your Holiness can be seen through their lives as they are transformed from dead to alive in Christ. My beloved Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel has taught me a great deal of things about You and about Your Church and about Your Will for us on this realm and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for him. When I saw him get stabbed during the sermon, my heart stopped and I screamed out "HOW COULD YOU!?" Until I quickly realized that You were using him, for Your Will to teach us. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for his life and his continued preachings that he offers. It is food for the spirit that fills me with love and joy for You and for Your Son. Thank you for all of the precious souls that serve in Bishop Mar Mari's Church as well, for You truly are the Good Shepherd and you have sent Your Son teach others how to be fishers of men. The world is evil. The world needs a savior right now. The world needs clarity on a lot of the major issues that surround society. One of the big things that you've blessed me with is the Joy of Pokemon. Yes, to the reader, you probably never thought that I was ever going to get here, but I am and the aforementioned text is relevant to understanding just what I am openly allowing the Holy Spirit to teach, inspire and enlighten you with... if You will allow it and if Your Holy Spirit permits it... Father... I'd like to explain to me one of the blessings in my life that I got to experience and the good times that I really was able to connect with other people and love them for them and not condemn them for calling me Michael. When I was growing up, Pokemon cards were a thing and the kids at school were collecting them and trading them with each other. My good friend, Jeff and I would walk to the local card store and Jeff would pick up booster packs of Base Set First Edition Pokemon cards and pay only $3.99 for them. Jeff was a responsible, good Christian boy, who worked for the Penobscot Times delivering the local newspaper to the families in the neighborhood. He was paid for the newspaper by the families he went to door to door and was tipped a few bucks by a few families who loved giving. With his earnings, he and I would walk down to the local card stop and Jeff would buy his cards. Only a few times did my adoptive family buy me Pokemon cards, but for the most part they denied the framing mechanism that Your Will grants us mercy and grace with, through Pokemon. Instead, I was ignored while playing it and I had collected a handful of pretty nice cards myself, including a Neo Shiny Charizard card too... that my adoptive mother ended up ripping and throwing into the toilet because she was mad that I didn't want to be called Michael and she was torturing me into submission until I complied with her unreasonable expectation for me. So, I barely got the watch the TV series and I collected a few dozen cards as a kid. Fun, right? Well after therapy stopped, and my pokemon cards were destroyed, I didn't go back to collecting them. Probably not the best financial decision I've ever made, but then again, I've always sucked in that department because I am not one of Your Chosen People. With Your Holy Spirit teaching me, perhaps one day I will be free from the usury that Your Chosen People have placed upon me through deception and lies. I fell for the lies and it's my fault. It's not Your fault. It's my fault, but it is what it is I guess and I can't go back into the past and change anything, but I can work for the better future and one that has no sin in it. That being said, I wanted to highlight something that came to me when I was enjoying Pokemon with my children and that was in the episode called the Joy of Pokemon, Nurse Joy has a Magikarp fish that she got when she was a little girl and took care of it and protected it and showed it Heavenly Love, what the series calls the Love of Pokemon. This is Heavenly Love when it is expressed by You through us. This is the love that the children see when see the Pokemon. They see the struggles they have, they see the challenges they are faced with, and they see the relentless love that is flowing out of those who love pokemon. It teaches you that those who want to do evil to pokemon are our enemy and this to me... aligns with Your Will.... but I don't understand why You were replaced in later generations only to assume that it is because the Synagogue of Satan took over... and then it became a factory for producing more sinning by Your grandchildren. Why? Perhaps to mold their clay. Perhaps to allow them to see hell first before they can appreciate Heaven. Why else are children still being abused at the pandemic levels that they are? Too many unrepentant sinners who believe they know the best way to deal with their problems. How naive of them. Well, in this episode, the Joy of Pokemon, the enemy shows up and they are trying to steal the Pokemon (like they steal children) and take away the Heavenly love that is being shared and experienced by those in the presence of it, see Team Rocket show up and they want to steal that Pikachu and maybe even murder the Magikarp and eat it. If Pokemon receive the type of Heavenly love that You Will for us to share with our neighbors, why then do Your Chosen People continue to portray Team Rocket and not Nurse Joy? There was a line in the TV episode that really brought me down to my knees in Church praying fervently over what it meant. I cried over it too a few times. Heavenly Father, you know all of thus, but the reader does not so please forgive me. You see... Nurse Joy and the others who all share the Heavenly love they hold in their hearts deeply, truly only comes from You and is You within us. When the team got in real trouble by Team Rocket, Magikarp evolves into Gyarados and a statement was made about the personality of the Pokemon when it evolves, that they will take on the personality of their trainer when they evolve. We all know that evolution is the biggest lie that Satan has sold the world and Your Chosen People continue to allow its disinformation to be peddled to confuse the masses... even to this day You still allow it... but I ask why? I can never know why. But I can be taught by the Holy Spirit because I am willing to humble myself and I am willing to learn, just as you should be too. This line to me made the first season of Pokemon a christian TV series before it went all demonic and satanic on everyone, while selling communism. However, this one line hit me and it brought me straight to scripture to corroborate what I had just heard... and You tell us through the Church Fathers that when a man and a woman get married they become one flesh. The personality and impression of the other is imprinted into the other and they are one from that Holy Sacrament forward, in spirit they are separate but in flesh, they are one. This taught me the importance of choosing the right marriage partner and how the best marriages of all, can be shared between two people who have Heavenly Love inside their hearts and a true love for Yeshua Ha'Maschiah for what He did to save them. By doing so, the TV show showed me that the personality of the one who raises a pokemon, a child, will imprint their personality onto the other and the pokemon who are raised by abusive trainers, are fearful of the world and full of rage. So much of what I see in the world now. It explains why so many children resonate with the different pokemon out there too. However, the Pokemon company has lost its way and is so far in the Satanic rabbit hole at the moment of perversion and sin that it may take Divine Intervention to restore its original Christian message, perhaps to reconcile the disinformation that it has peddled for so long in the later generations of the game. However, this one important lesson is why I wanted you to read what I wrote and why I took you down a rabbit hole into prayer with me to understand why I say that season 1-3 of Pokemon, the Indigo League series, is a Christian series because it demonstrates through safe and age appropriate ways, the type of Heavenly Love that they can experience with Yeshua Ha'Maschiah as their Lord and Savior and how truly blessed and incredible their own Christ will become. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading and I kiss your feet and apologize to you if I have offended you in any way. I love all people and I see the Holy Spirit within all and I thank my Heavenly Father, for this opportunity for us to connect. I pray that Yeshua Ha'Maschiah shows you His Holiness in your life now. Right now. Not in ten minutes. Right now. You need Him. I need Him. We all need Him. Bring yourself before him as a naked crying child and ask WHY? What's the worst that is going to happen? Be forced to confront your own sin that you've committed against Him? Against His Body. Against His Creation. Allow this piece to humble you and to bring you down to your knees begging for mercy and a sign from the Holy Spirit that you are on the right track. In Yeshua Ha'Maschiah's Mighty and Holy Precious Name, I pray this for you. Enlighten the reader, Father, please! I beg you. 

Hey Majestic
Inventor & Visionary
Biblically Spiritual