Hey Majestic

June 14, 2024

The Trouble With Wanting To Go Back And Try Again

I should have been able to grow up being called Andrei. I should have been given the opportunity to grow up with the potential of liking myself. For as long as I was Michael, I would dislike myself because it was an imposter imposed unto me by a financial transaction that I did not consent to. Having received Divine Intervention from Yeshua Ha'Maschiah of Nazareth; you call him Jesus Christ; having received intervention in my own life to reclaim the price that was ultimately paid for me, Yeshua asked me to join Him but as Andrei and not Michael. If I was to take up my cross, I would need to do this for His sake, and not mine. And scripture tells you the consequences that befall upon those disobedient in the family once they too become an adult. I have been blessed by Yeshua to get to know His children who are with Him, and there are many. I am blessed for my neighbors and I am blessed to be living in America during this time. The country is changing, but into what, will only be determined by my fellow citizens. News flash for you. Your dream, the American Dream, is not what it was sold to be. Instead, its actually usury and perversion imposed onto the masses by a Jewish mafia that exists that is currently controlling the government. I am not anti-Semitic to say this either. You can try and call me names to identify me, but you may only use Andrei. I do not consent to being addressed as Michael. To my beloved family, you need to mourn the death of Michael and accept that he died 5 years ago on the cross and the man who rose from those ashes, you called Patriot Phoenix who built Project Apario; the decentralized gematria driven research utility that is open source, written entirely in Go, and designed to make the JFK assassination records fully text searchable and each individual page has a unique URL with light/dark mode for easy reading. Just as my beloved Job did, so too did he take his pain and suffering, cry out in anguish to Yeshua of Nazareth but never wavered in his faith that Yeshua is his only one and true Savior, for out of the pain came the abyss and from the abyss darkness creeps in, however when Yeshua of Nazareth is breaking you and molding your clay into the IS-BE that you were destined to become, only then will you see that life goes on regardless for in Him is eternity and so long as you live for Him, you shall never die. Truly I say to you, this is fact. When my adoptive family rejected my wishes to self identify as Andrei and not support me during the transition of my identity, it became very clear to me that this was Yeshua's Will being exercised through the Body of Christ itself and that I needed to have patience along with good works for ultimate purpose to be exercised. I ran an intelligence operation for Yeshua Ha'Maschiah that became Project Apario. The world has since changed because of it. Not because of me. But because of Yeshua's intelligence operation that was done to the world, through people like me. I was one among 12 chosen to represent and offer judgement of self as a utility of personal reflection capabilities and your own willingness to see Yeshua of Nazareth shining bright inside your eyes, for His Spirit lives inside of you and you are His whether you realize it or not. This is true for my Jewish family too. They will be condemned to hell; for this is truly hell without Christ, if they do not repent of their racist transgressions imposed onto others whom they see as animal like and less than, for their father is the Devil; according to Yeshua. I hope you understand just how deeply and profusely that I love Yeshua. Where my biological mother failed, Yeshua succeeded. Where my adoptive mother failed, Yeshua succeeded. Where Michael failed, Yeshua succeeded. When Yeshua succeeded, Andrei was freed as promised. The system that did this to me would be taken down in my life time, and that is Yeshua telling me this, not Michael or Andrei telling you this. All I had to do was play along and the time would come when I would need to come out of the shadows. 5 years ago was when that started. We have 2 years left until you know what! I can't wait for my beloved Yeshua to return, and He will be soon. Truly, I say to you, few have walked the shoes that I've walked and 99.99999999% of you would fail to do the things that I have done because, unbeknownst to Michael, Andrei and Yeshua of Nazareth made contact before Michael did. Yeshua only knew me as Andrei and when I was in the Roman Catholic Church in Old Town, ME growing up, Jesus ignored me and refused to answer any of my questions. I grew to hate Jesus and I sinned uncontrollably because of it, but all of that sinning stopped shortly after Yeshua appeared to me, whom I believed was Archangel Michael, but Yeshua is God revealed in the flesh, He can do anything. That being said to me, audibly so that I could hear both inside and by my ears, "the system that did this to you will be taken down. just play along with them right now, make them think that they have won. you are in real danger right now. your time will come and we will need you to come forward." I have come forward. I am here. Hello. Now, my beloved Yeshua... can we get the show on the road please and thank you? CIA was never meant to be Communism In America and please promise to me that the children being trafficked on the border are being funneled directly into Heaven, please? I do not know what will become of my dust when it is gone, but when I was a child, there were sick perverted demons who wanted to chop me up, drink my blood and have sex with me. How could you do this to me? But then again, it wasn't Yeshua who did, it was YHWH who did. You came to save me. Not condemn or punish me. The psyop of the OT still being perpetuated is an abomination against the Only Man to have died on a cross and rose again on the 3rd day to proclaim that it is finished. The Old Testament is antiquated and should be discarded and dismissed frankly speaking. Yeshua, protect me for saying that or correct me in my education and allow your Holy Spirit to teach me. Permit me that opportunity my Lord. I say to thee, I am not anti-Semitic, but I am saying things that only I can say and I am Andrei. I was enslaved and trapped in a psychological playground prison planet created by Satan's followers who worship YHWH and not Yeshua of Nazareth. Or they worship other names for YHWH including Allah and Jehovah. Yes YHWH created mankind. Yeshua came to save mankind. The law was fulfilled and the Old Testament was replaced with the teachings of Yeshua Ha'Maschiah worldwide and then the western power blocks wanted to exploit and use this new religion in order to coexist with the OT in order to maintain power and control over the masses. The workers of Satan's deeds were driven out of country after country and soon after they were finally freed, did they realize that Christ is King and they need to do everything in their power to keep you distracted from seeing or realizing that. Meanwhile, we have the most confusing Christian group on the planet, those who support the secular state of Israel, completely ignorant and arrogant to the fact that in Armenia, Israel is funding the genocide of the Christians who live there. Why are Christians supporting Israel again? The Holy City != Israel and Israel is a secular nuclear power that does not believe in God, because if they did, they wouldn't be murdering so many civilians right now. But they are. It's a racist hate filled war that needs to stop. Thankfully when the storm is raging, it is only Yeshua of Nazareth who can command the storm stop and be done. Blessed will be the day when we get to hear the mighty trumpets sound and the end of Satan's reign on this planet is finally ended. No more endless wars. No more taxes. No more usury. No more flags. No more countries. One land. ISRAEL. Not the small country in the middle east, but the entire planet once it is united in Christ. This is the mission that is so important to pass onto others that we ensure that there are true believers in the faith and they understand that no matter who or what they are or have become, nothing is too far gone for Yeshua Ha'Maschiah to work with and redeem eternal salvation unto thee than He. My message is filled with love and compassion for all people, especially those in Gaza who truly are innocent and stuck between a rock and a hard place. My heart goes out to the people of Ukraine who are being genocided too as we speak. Including the Armenians who are going through another anti-Christian ethnic cleansing. You see, Facebook will censor this post. Those who the Holy Spirit calls to see this, will see it. You will be disgusted by it. You will blame me for it. You will try to say that I am wrong. I will reply to you, I love you and I kiss your feet. These are not my words my beloved.

Hey Majestic
Inventor & Visionary
Biblically Spiritual