Hey Majestic

June 11, 2024

When An Angel Met My Father And Me

When An Angel Met My Father And Me by Andrei (C) 2024

Dear Heavenly Father, I, Andrei, bring this rake of dust to beneath your Son's Holiness so that my sins and transgressions unto thee may be washed away in the Blood of the Lamb, for I am a sinner and I need a Savior. I need Your Son, Yeshua Ha'Maschiah of Nazareth, born in Bethlehem to the Holy Virgin Mother Mary and Father Joseph. I ask you Father, that you bless those who read this message and you allow these words to be your Holy Spirit speaking through me as I recount the time that I believe You Sent and Angel to my adoptive father, whom I will refer to as Dad, and Yeshua as Dad. As your grandson, my Heavenly Father, I ask that you grant me this opportunity to inspire and enlighten your children so they may see your likeness in themselves. In your Holy and Precious Son's Name, Yeshua of Nazareth, I pray. 
Thank you, Yeshua. Okay, where do we begin. Let's go back to before I was sexually abused by my next-door neighbor in his back shed. Before the attachment holding therapy started. Before the excessive temper tantrums really started... lets go way back to a time when little Michael and his dad, Merle, were up in the Northern Maine Woods driving a pick up truck down a skidder path for logging trucks and ended up getting stuck. Lucking we were together, and we were both armed and dangerous. Our ears were perked up and we started briskly walking the road back to the main road to see if we could make contact with somebody. The phone we had required the truck to run, and the truck was stuck and had no service. We needed to move the truck and the phone to service to make a call, and deep in the Northern Maine Woods, you are miles away from any cell tower. We had to start walking and it was nearing dusk already as it was mid-fall and we were out bird hunting for partridge and occasionally a few rabbits. All eaten that evening and honored and respected and thanked for their sacrifice, though to to Yeshua or Jesus or even God for that matter. In fact, the men there never prayed once. I never heard my dad pray. Even to this day, I haven't heard him pray. But I am sure he does. Everyone prays. To whom is the question, though. 
However, it is important to understand that when Yeshua spoke with Andrei, Yeshua spoke in Romanian to that little infant in the orphanage who was abandoned at 7 days old and left in a Fauci-style prison camp designed to warehouse massive quantities of children for the Jewish-Communist regime that was controlling the Romanian Government that was ended on Christmas Day in 1989. Yeshua protects His children and adopts them into His family when they are abandoned and left for dead like I was. His will be done in us. Each and every one of us and we shall see the fruits of the Holy Spirit and the Body of Christ actually move and change for the good. Only through repentance of sin and washing them away in Holy Baptism can you truly experience the trans-identity complex that I have been subjected to, not under punishment for sin, but under blessings from God Himself to teach others in need of a spiritual awakening to the awesomeness and complexity of Our God, Yeshua Ha'Maschiah of Nazareth. He is my Dad, my real Dad. He has been watching over and protecting Andrei since the beginning. I am His. He is Mine. This is what true identity actually looks like. None of that twin flame nonsense either. None of the biological men acting like biological women or vice versa. No, this trans identity is this identity In Christ and what it means to be that person. In the Orthodox community, it's common to receive a Baptism name that you are known by in the church and you have a sin fallen identity that you are repentant to. This is the prerequisite molding process that is codified in fire upon our death. An Angel of the Lord was protecting me with my father that day. 
As night was beginning to approach, we proceeded on the trail. We heard noises of rabbits and small birds, but never got a proper shot. However, dusk was starting to settle in, and we reached the main road which was a few miles walk through uneven logging terrain that got our pickup truck stuck. Coming down the road, slowly was another pickup truck, about half the size. 

Inside the truck was Brother and Brother. They worked on railway systems and heavy machinery and wanted to offer assistance. They took their truck down the trail and my dad and I go to rid in the back of the pickup. 

We arrived to the spot where the truck got stuck and safely avoided going down into the swampy marsh looking terrain that my dad thought he could handle... but alas, the original sin. Yeshua protects His children but will allow them to go through hell in order to appreciate the glory of heaven. This is the clay molding process of trans-identity transformation. 

The two Brothers got out of the pickup truck and they proceeded to the truck with their flashlights and engine running, shining bright on the near dusky sunset logging trail. 
I was not scared. I was excited and my blood was pumping. It was thrilling to see the truck get stuck and saved by Brother and Brother. That was their name. Brother and Brother. They worked like Angels and they got the truck unstuck from the mud.
We finally got back to the main road safely with Brother and Brother waving good-bye and not accepting money for helping us. My dad offered them some cash for helping and they refused it saying it was their pleasure to help. Truly men of Christ. You see the Lord work through you and you see the Lord in all too. 
I believe that Brother and Brother were Angels sent by Yeshua of Nazareth to help my adoptive father and I in a time of need. Sure you can dismiss it with conspiracy theories and even try and call me crazy for it. But, this was the first time that I met an Angel, as I believed.
The second time would be Archangel Michael in Ohio.
The third time it would be Yeshua of Nazareth Himself, telling me to stop calling myself Michael and return to Him as Andrei, as His Adopted Son. I am Yeshua's Son and I am grateful and blessed and thankful to be here in this realm with every single one of you. 

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading, and God Bless You!

~ Andrei

Hey Majestic
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