Thomas Mak

May 22, 2021

My one-minute tutorial videos creation

In the previous weeks, I have been creating 1-minute tutorial videos. I make them within one minute to fit the my Instagram.

I make it one minute also because I have been procrastinating to make my screencast videos for, literally, a decade. I bought the Screenflow software in 2010. I planned to use it to record tutorials on how to use Mac OSX. But then, time flies and my execution halted. I learned the importance of execution from the book Getting Real. I also procrastinated a lot to read all those how-to-get-rid-of-procrastination videos and posts.

But I still created only very few screencasts. So I know I must execute something to enjoy the tiny achievement. And here are my 1-minute tutorial videos.

They serve as some baby steps for me to make progress. They are also the byte-size knowledge to give tips and tricks on random topics in web technologies and development.

In long term, I have been planing for courses on topics including Mobile First Web Design, Git Version Control, Static sites with Eleventy, Python, ReactJS, Web Accessibility, iOS Development, and more.

But I have to chase one rabbit at a time. Otherwise, I will be like my past 10 years with very slow execution and even keep looping myself without moving forward.

So, more 1-minute videos to come. And more tutorial posts to write. And when they are ready to group into collections, they become my courses.

—Thomas Mak, 2021-05-22.