Martin Matanovic

September 25, 2023

Letters from Somewhere No. 006

6th week in Jablonec nad Nisou (Czech Republic). 

Slow down, we all move too fast. 

If your childhood is broken, you will be broken. 

I am back from a short but intense visit to Croatia. Shortly after my arrival, it is as if I had never been away. I'm back in my routine pretty quickly. But I'm missing energy. And there's something else. I'm starting to notice that something has changed. 

I get annoyed with all the cars driving by the house, especially in the morning. I'm annoyed by the noise of the construction site at the intersection further down the road. I get annoyed with the smell from the kitchen across the street. I'm annoyed that we're kind of stuck here and can't really do anything. 

I haven't been outside once all week. Not one walk, just a few times in the garden for a few minutes. The time went by so fast. Work took a lot out of me emotionally, drained my energy. You could say I'm busy just trying to get by somehow. 

And then there's this feeling that there's nothing to do, nowhere to go, nothing to see. My world has become quite small. It shrank to the apartment and then to a room and then to a small cell and then to a single thought that kept spinning in my head: We're done here. 

I feel the need to leave and not come back. But where to go? What can I do? There is no place in the world to go. I wonder: how many people feel the same way? How many people are stuck in their lives? And what are they doing about it? 

As work is done for the week and I get into my free time, I realize that I need to slow down. I need time for nothing. Just to be and let things go. Do nothing. Go nowhere. Having no plans. And then things change again for a bit. I discover Art again. Something I lost interest years ago. Now its slowly coming back. 

Podcasts I've listened in german

Football matches I've watched

UEFA Europe League
  • LASK vs Liverpool 1:3

Premier League
  • Manchester City vs Nottingham Forest 2 : 0
  • Arsenal vs Tottenham 2 : 2

About Martin Matanovic

I work, travel and live in different places in Europe and write about it in this newsletter.