Martin Matanovic

December 19, 2023

Letters from Somewhere No. 018

Côtes-d'Armor (Bretagne, France)

Collect moments, not things.

I remember when I first saw this quote. It was back in 2014, when we where on our first long trip together in South East Asia. We arrived in the middle of the day in a hostel in Bangkok and checked into our room. Tired of a long flight, hungry and overheated. Exhausted by the high humidity and unbearable heat. We couldn't get the cold of an air condition nor a shower, there was no electricity and no water. But there was a picture on the wall, just over the bed.

"Collect moments, not things", stood on it.

A few simple words, a somehow clear but somehow blur message. They sticked to me for all this years. And I always wanted to live close to their truth. I always wanted to experience the world, maybe because I was so in prisoned by my environment and by my own thoughts, I couldn't even imagine living some kind of a free and unusual life. But also not having much of an emotional ground to stay where I was living.

Everything comes down for me to the feeling of being worth. I feel to the bottom of my heart that I am worth to live this life. That I am worth living a life full of experiences, enjoyable work and deep connections, this is something new for me. The biggest move in this direction was leaving most of my history behind me. Being away from where I grew up sets me free. This was the case when I went on my first long trip to India, back in 2005. And then to this trip to Bangkok, our door to South East Asia. And it is still true today. Moving forward is the only way leaving behind the dark memories of a life that wasn't lived at all.

It took me a long time to leave the place I grew up and to get where I am now. But look at me now, I am in a country which language I cannot speak and I can imagine staying here. Maybe not forever, but for a longer time, somehow permanent. I can work from everywhere. I can stay everywhere. I can move quickly. This life is real. And still its often hard to except it.

It sometimes feels like a dream from which I will wake up the very next moment. And then its all gone. And I will be back in some small flat, in some place I hate, where its death and cold and without the possibility to get out. My fears stay with me, but they also drive me forward, like they had driven me my hole life.

"Collect moments, not things". I feel this words.

And so here we are on a Sunday morning at a parking lot. In front of us the sea, blue and calm, filling the horizon and opening my heart. On the left I can see the tower of the lighthouse build some 70 years ago, sublime and defying the times as well as the weather it stands like an evergreen symbol on the end of the Cap Fréhel. In this very moment I feel free and I know I am on the right place to the right time in my life.

Its cold, but sunny, somewhere between 4° and 8°C. But I am not cold. I am full of warm energy and joyful anticipation for the following walk. Its our first since a long time. And by that I don't mean the walks I had in the city of Jablonec. I mean the kind of walks in nature like we only had here in Brittany.

Our route runs along the GR34, the most famous route in France. This small part of the GR34 from Cap Fréhel to Fort La Latte. We walk 9,68 kilometers and it takes us 3 hours and 43 minutes. It runs entirely along the coast. Sometimes so close to the abyss that it makes my stomach tighten. We stop to take in the view, enjoy it, listen to the sound of the sea and watch the seagulls gliding over the rocks. It is a breathtakingly beautiful experience. 

At the end I am tired, but fulfilled and happy. 

Experiences like this, that's why we're here. The preparation in the morning, the planning in the days before and the packing on the day of the hike, everything makes me happy. I'm living my dream, this is the best time of my life. Even if it can often be very exhausting. Even if I feel tired and sometimes still lost. But often enough this life fills me with pure joy and happiness. How long have I waited for this. 

About Martin Matanovic

I work, travel and live in different places in Europe and write about it in this newsletter.