Martin Matanovic

March 18, 2024

Letters from Somewhere No.031

Côtes-d’Armor (Bretagne, France)

The wind is blowing from the sea, sometimes gale force, our thin jackets are flapping and making loud noises. It's cold, which I hadn't realized before. Because when we set off, it was pleasantly mild. But the open sea has its own voice and it's different from that of the mainland, even though it's less than a 10-minute drive away. 

We put on our hoods and tighten the ties so that the wind doesn't blow into our jackets. We walk along the long promenade, which is lined with hotels and vacation homes, most of which are empty. There are no tourists at this time of year. 

Groups of sailing students push their boats towards the water. A man stands alone on the beach, bravely battling the wind in which he is putting his paraglider. Then there are a few walkers making the most of this rain-free, but overcast midday. And us. 

At the end of the promenade, we enter the GR34 and climb up into the hilly landscape. After just a few meters, it feels as if we are far away from civilization. We stop for a moment. She looks at me and says I look different than I did at the accommodation, much younger. She is very surprised at the effect it has on me to be out here in nature. 

And she's right. I also feel much better out here, freer and more alive, more myself and more relaxed. Basically, it's clear that we want to live in this kind of environment. We both don't want to live in a city anymore, not even the smallest one. 

We've come a long way, further than I could ever have dreamed. But we haven't reached our destination yet. We live from month to month, wandering from one place to another, only staying for a short time and then disappearing. Some places we visit again, like the Pink Granite Coast here. 

We know where we want to be, in a place that we can call our own. A quiet place. One in the countryside, close to the sea and close to hiking trails in unspoiled nature. It sounds like a paradise, but since we've been traveling, it's the first time in my life that I can actually not only dream of such a life, it seems possible. And I feel worth to have this kind of life. The only question is where exactly and how should we go about it? 

About Martin Matanovic

I work, travel and live in different places in Europe and write about it in this newsletter.