Martin Matanovic

March 24, 2024

Letters from Somewhere No.032

Côtes-d’Armor (Bretagne, France)

This journey is about experience and reflection. I have come here with my many stories. But how do these stories reflect what I am experiencing while I am here? Not only is my mind opening to possibilities I didn't know I could see, but my body is opening to a world I could barely imagine. 

Yes, I am here to change, but I am also here because of a profound change, a process that started somewhere during the Covid pandemic and is still ongoing. Maybe we are all work in progress, a quote Rich Roll uses often. I am sure that I will go forward as a different person than the one I was when we started this journey. 

I can grow if I let myself. I just need to step out of the tiny box that others, and I myself, have put me in. A man once told me that people are like trees, they grow tall when they are in the right soil and when they have the space they need. As well as light and water. I have that space here. And I enjoy it. It does something to me. It calms me, centers me. I become more myself. A self I didn't know like this. 

One afternoon there was a beautiful sunset. The sky was bright and wrapped in golden and pink colors. The islands on the horizon where dark but in a beautiful silhouette and the sea in front of them reflected the sunlight like thousands stars. It was such a quiet and peaceful atmosphere and nobody was there to witness this miracle but me. This is all I need. It’s that simple. 

We went on a few hikes and walks. The area here offers so many different landscapes that we couldn't see everything. There are red or golden sandy beaches as well as pink rock formations that are exposed by the sea at low tide. One evening we were on the pink granite coast and watched the sunset. It was beautiful. We walked along the coast on narrow paths and wandered through small villages. Or I just stood on the terrace and looked up at the starry sky, the sound of the sea in the background. Being outside changes me. And I like this person. 

But the sun doesn't always shine. On the contrary, sunny hours are rare. And when they do, they are very unstable. Like that morning when we were on the beach. Blue sky, a few white clouds. A paraglider flying back and forth a few times and then landing on the beach. We're barely there a minute when it suddenly starts to storm and a downpour starts.  Back at the car, completely soaked, we were disappointed. And just a few moments later, it's all over again. The sky is clear again. 

Despite such setbacks, the few moments we can spend in nature are indescribably beautiful. They are precious because they make us believe that we are in the right place. And we are. 

About Martin Matanovic

I work, travel and live in different places in Europe and write about it in this newsletter.