Martin Matanovic

July 18, 2023

The Week No. 005

Week 27, 2023

A week in Brûlon (France). 

No hikes this week. Not a single one. A few short walks around the area where we are. Horses and a lot of space. We are mostly occupied by the fact that our journey is going to an end and we have to go back to a place where we don't wanna be. This makes everything a little bit harder. Everything feels dull.

I visited the Abbaye Saint-Pierre de Solesmes. A nice and quite place. Behind the huge and massive walls is a  different life dedicated to worship to god. Something you don't find that often anymore in this noisy world. Too bad you couldn't go all the way in. They live isolated, which probably makes sense for them. That's what this place is for, not for tourists like me. But I liked what I saw. 


Bottom line: Make your own business work. It doesn't matter what everyone else is doing. From Jason Fried in his HEY World post

This counts not only for work, for life as well. Live your own life, no matter how other people live theirs. It‘s such a simple sentence but so hard to do. 

Good Bye Social Media

We’ve never been real friends. Never been close. You never gave me something lasting. Except the feeling I am worthless, because nobody is seeing me. You gave me the feeling everybody else has a great life. Everybody but me. This is not healthy. Not a good place to be. 

I first quit Facebook. This was years ago, when still most of the people I knew where on Facebook. And still new people arrived. I remember it was a few days before Christmas when I deleted my account. Ok, you don’t delete your account from Facebook. You pause it for a month or so. They give you the chance to come back. It was one of my best Christmas presents ever. I went and never looked back. 

The same with Twitter. Although Twitter never was so toxic for me like Facebook, it also never was a place where I found something meaningful. For years it was a ghost account. But I was there. Until I left. This happened years ago. Long before all the hate took over. I went and also never looked back. 

And now Pinterest and Instagram. Now I feel free. 

About Martin Matanovic

I work, travel and live in different places in Europe and write about it in this newsletter.