Martin Matanovic

July 24, 2023

The Week No. 006

Week 29, 2023

A week in Brûlon (France). 

Hikes and Walkes

We had one last hike before we are heading back. It was no pleasure, first and foremost because we are in a place of instability. And with this as a base layer there is no headspace available for joy. This is something I struggled all my life, but I want to change it. 


A life of making isn’t a series of shows, or projects, or productions, or things: it is an everyday practice. It is a practice of questions more than answers, of waiting to find what you need more often than knowing what you need to do. Waiting, like listening and meandering, is best when it is an active and not a passive state.
About Anne Hamilton from The Marginalian

Being productive is about occupying your time—filling your schedule to the brim and getting as much as you can. Being effective is about finding more of your time unoccupied and open for other things besides work.
Jason Fried in his HEY World post


On Being with Krista Tippett. This podcast was a great enjoyment. Loved everything about the conversation with Maria Popova. It was aired in 2015 and then re-run 2019, but it feels timeless. Something that Maria mastered with her own website The Marginalian. Deep sinning and light. Pleasant in all aspects. Highly recommended.
Maria Popova Cartographer of Meaning in a Digital Age
Listen to it on the Website

The Tim Ferriss Show. This podcast was completely in his time. It was recorded and aired during the COVID pandemic. You can here it from the beginning to the end. This one I also enjoyed a lot, not only because I like both, Sam Harris and Tim Ferriss. The flow between the two is great. Sam was funny, something I hadn't known from him before. Highly recommended.
Sam Harris on Psychedelics, How to Cope During a Pandemic, Taming Anxiety, and More (#433)
📺 Listen to it on the Website

The Tim Ferriss Show again. This one is another rare insight behind the curtain. It's the newest episode. Very interesting and informative at the beginning and way into the middle, but falling down at the end. Nontheless I liked it.
Bill Gurley Interviews Tim Ferriss — Reflecting on 20+ Years of Life and Business Experiments (#682)
📺 Listen to it on the Website

Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu. When I come across Gabor Maté, I stay and listen to what he has to say. It is never a disappointment, always a realization. Also because it touches me in who I am, with all my pain and struggles. Listened ones, but definitively not the last time. Highly recommended. — Gabor Maté, This Is Why You Feel LOST & UNHAPPY In Life!
📺 Watch it on YouTube

And last but not least one of my heroes. A real gem and absolute pleasure. What a clear mind he had and how good he could predict the future is still amazing. Maybe now more than it was back then, when this interview was taken. Kudos also to Terry Gross and NPR. Brilliant interview.
Steve Jobs: The Fresh Air Interview (1996)
📺 Listen to it on YouTube

About Martin Matanovic

I work, travel and live in different places in Europe and write about it in this newsletter.