Matthew Marshall

May 21, 2024

PODCAST: Good Work with Barrett Brooks

Barrett Brooks is creating a truly great podcast. Why?

1. It's a natural outpouring of who he is. The podcast isn't a put-on or show, it's capturing a real connection. People gravitate to what is authentic.

2. He has a profound curiosity about people and the world, which leads him to do a ton of prep and ask unique questions you won't hear on other podcasts. And that curiosity leads to dynamic informed conversations, not one-way interviews.

3. There is no striving to achieve a financial milestone or better put he's open-handed on the outcomes. By creating great content with interesting guests, many wonderful outcomes will naturally follow and that's enough.

About Matthew Marshall

Co-founder & CBO of New Story, a social impact org pioneering solutions to end the global housing crisis by empowering families to become land and homeowners in thriving communities.