Ben Wilson

June 10, 2021

Three Things - Success, Small Failures and Invalid information

James Clear has a weekly email where he offers a few brief insights. He had a few this week I thought were worth sharing:

  1. What is one action that would make today a success? Since I earlier mentioned Eat the Frog, this aligns to that by identifying the one thing. 
  2. Fail Small, not big. He suggests using smaller time increments, down to 4 quarters of a day, so that you can recover from period-based failures. This aligns to the agile principle of small increments with regular inspection and adaptation.
  3. Invalidating Information. Multiple books I've read over the years warns about looking only for information that validates your assumption. Lean Startup argues you should be looking for information that invalidates your assumption as a reflection of scientific method.

In tenebris solus sto

About Ben Wilson

Ben Wilson, the brains behind the Postal Marines sci-fi saga, is a history buff with a soft spot for human nature and religion. After serving in the US Army, he's now stuck in the exciting world of IT project management, where he feeds off his customers' frustrations. Ben shares his Northern Virginia home with his wife, three kids, and two vicious attack cats. Don't worry, he didn't sell his oldest to the Core (although he may have considered it). His eldest has flown the nest and started a family of his own.