Mike Gyi

March 23, 2021

Hacking Google Maps

Hello again,

I hope this isn't too much of a personal question, but what's the longest time you've ever spent on Google Maps?

Last summer I spent 4 hours conquering the great city of Barcelona. It was a thrilling way to spend a Monday evening 😉

I'd just moved to a new city and had no idea about good places to eat and hang out so I decided to do some research.

This felt a bizarre thing to do. However, I thought it was hilarious to spend hours on a website where we usually just nip in and out of. 

This was the end result 👇

Captura de pantalla 2021-03-23 a las 17.16.27.png

So now if I ever need a good place to go, I've got a list to call on. I wish I would've done this in London. Instead, I spent 8 years overwhelmed by choice. 

Also, now I've got some ready-made categories to add to if I hear of something good. It's a dream 🌎

A few tips if you're going to do this:

  • Lists lists lists - make as many lists as possible, break them down into specific categories, you'll thank yourself later x 1000
  • Personal Notes - write something in the 'notes' section when you save a pin such as "cool decor" or "known for mojitos"—it won't seem worth it when you first save places but trust me...you'll thank your past self later
  • Info Sources - look for food and travel blogs in your local area where you can get recommendations plus public lists will already exist so use those as your foundation—there's nothing ground-breakingly unique about this 

Anyway, I hope that helps you get your sh*t together as it helped me become less useless.

...or maybe you do this already and you're wondering why it took me so long to get my sh*t together :D

Till next time,

p.s. this is my BCN Restaurantes list you can see in the screenshot and a big list my dear friend Micky lad put together recently

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About Mike Gyi

designer, ex-architect, community addict, helping people with loneliness at townspot.co.uk