Mike Rayco

March 12, 2021

Spendthrifts of Time

Think of the things you cherish, we spend time and attention to protect them from getting damaged or stolen. But have we consider protecting our time and attention as well?

In the age of technology, things surrounding us fight each other for our time and attention: phone calls, meetings, social media notifications, advertisements on the TV, emails, the urge to browse memes, listen to music, find a date, etc.

Most of our time is spent mindlessly on the things that are not important to us, one way to guide us on how to spend our time is to constantly remind ourselves of the brevity of life, To emphasize the point,

please check this blog post to see where you are in your lifetime: https://waitbutwhy.com/2014/05/life-weeks.html

Time is our most irreplaceable asset, we cannot buy more of it. We can only strive to waste as little as possible.