Michael Rispoli

September 8, 2022

A World Without Scarcity

Sometimes I like to pull some 90's bull shit on my kids. "No, Daddy's phone doesn't have Beauty and the Beast songs on it, just the Beastie Boys." My kids give me an odd look. They don't understand that the collective knowledge and creations of our entire species was not once in the palm of everyone's hand. 

It gets me thinking, what's it like to grow up in a world with no concept of scarcity? I remember the joy of your favorite song coming on the radio right when you needed to hear it, as though by divine intervention. The rush of serendipitous discovery is all but gone.

Do we have to manufacture these moments now? How did scarcity influence my own development?

I thought the world we grew up in was far removed from our own parents. Now I see, every generation grows up in a world far removed from their parents. This generation may be growing up with a bigger gulf than the one between previous generations.

Seek serendipitous moments, they are in short supply.