Luis Guillermo Natera Orozco

May 6, 2021

🗓 April 2021 [Month in review]

Another month living in lockdown. Not really. Finally, Hungary is starting to open, thank you vaccines! 💉

Here is a status of how the month went down.

✒️ Writing

  • April saw a good improvement to the thesis. I got nice comments from my advisor and during last month I worked to implement them. Also, I did a first draft of the introduction and worked with Agi from CEU's Center for Academic Writing (CAW). It has been really nice working with the CAW to improve my academic writing as I was struggling a little bit with that. The goal for May: Have a final draft of the thesis 💪
  • The paper I have been working on is getting into a really nice shape. We have an internal deadline this week, and I think it might be ready by the beginning of June 🤞

📚 Reading

  • I have been reading Rethinking Real Estate: A Roadmap to Technology’s Impact on the World’s Largest Asset Class. It is an interesting review of how technology has been integrated into multiple areas of real estate. Such as creating physical shops of online brands, places where one can go and fit clothes or test products, but the actual shopping has to be made online and the products are delivered. This kind of approach also works as return points in case someone wants to return something and does not want to mail it to the company. (This is just an example of the topics covered in the book)

👨‍💻 Side projects

  • As the end of the Ph.D. is approaching, I have started doing a couple of side projects and consultancies. It has been really interesting and fun to be back doing some work that gets to be shipped and used, rather than just doing research for papers (something that I also enjoy). For the future, I want to keep working between academia and industry. Probably by mid-May, we will announce one of the products that I have been working on. It combines cities + data + software. Keep the eyes open 👀 I might start giving away some hints 😉 

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