Nick Seferos

January 25, 2023

Container Investing?

Concepts like Fundrise, Groudfloor,, or Acre Trader have always intrigued me. I love the idea of gettiing and allowing the average person to get involved in a real asset - something that is generating cashflow.

A few years back I was looking into buying some containers and leasing them out for cash flow - still am. The problem I ran into was that in order to make it really work, you'd need a decent fleet to start. The logistics industry works on a massive economies of scale and theres idle equipment (containers) everywhere. I still love the idea of renting out (leasing) containers for shipments, the question is just how to do it...

So I've come up with a brain blast. Why not copy the same idea ad Fundrise or Groundfloor? Have investors buy into a container pool and leave the equipment out and pay distributions for performance? Seems like it is just crazy enough to work!