Nick Stevens

July 7, 2021

🤝 How to make all of your competition irrelevant overnight

Imagine for a moment that your company had no competitors.
What would that mean for your business and sales?
How much energy could you redirect to making impact?

When we focus our energy on making impact first and finance second, something magical happens. We move from being in a zero sum game, to a game of abundance.

A zero sum game is like sport.
In order for one team to win, the other must lose.

In business, this translates to trying to become a monopoly, fighting over market share, focus on beating the competition, and growth at all costs. This is Capitalism MBA 101.

Putting our primary focus on impact, means that we no longer have to worry about the competition. On the one hand, you'll still have competitors who are only in it for the money. Now you'll have no problem differentiating yourself from them. On the other hand, let's hope you also have competitors who are also focused on impact.

Imagine a company making the same product as you, with the same impact goals as you. Isn't that a beautiful thing? Won't you be willing to help them succeed in their mission? What new opportunities could this create?

Competition is a human made construct. Abundance is what we see in nature. Plenty of everything, for everyone. Entire ecosystems supporting themselves through nothing but hardcore collaboration.

If you want to make better impact,
you're going to need to out-collaborate the competition.

I'm creating the book and podcast series for people who want their small or medium business to make more profit and better impact. Sign up for more info:

About Nick Stevens

Writing about making business better - to help people to build and grow profitable business that makes the world a better place.