Nick Stevens

July 4, 2021

🤦🏻‍♂️ Why our best intentions aren't good enough to make better impact

So here it I am, day nine, aka late Sunday evening, and I'm kicking myself.

I've got plenty of things to write about, but it makes no sense to post any one of them now. I feel like I've trapped myself into a corner.

I started this challenge, to kickstart myself into getting this knowledge out of my head, but actually, that's not my goal at all.

1) You see, the knowledge isn't actually useful until it lands with other people. With you. Only then can it begin to have some sort of impact. Seems obvious but reframing it this way has led me to realise that:

2) Let's face it, posting on a weekend evening (and it's 4th of July weekend in the US), this is mostly not going to get seen by the people that deserve it. At least if I'd posted this morning it might have had a chance. Well, I guess that's a learning point.

3) Finally, I've noticed that if I don't set and brainstorm the topic the night before, I'm much less likely to publish before lunch which is the most optimal time.

And so now, I'll be posting this, because I promised myself, and you, that I would do so. What can we learn about making impact? Well, perhaps it's that best intentions are great, but checking progress and adjusting to reality are essential parts of the process.

Which reminds of this Leonardo da Vinci quote:

"Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do."

About Nick Stevens

Writing about making business better - to help people to build and grow profitable business that makes the world a better place.