Nikos Vasileiou

October 17, 2021

May I have your attention please?

I’ve been thinking about my email lately. And I have the feeling that my inbox has been harassed. It’s being harassed by the global sales effort. Sales people all around the world, trying to capture my attention to get their precious sales through.

You are a sales machine

What is annoying, is the observable pattern of how this is done. The algorithms are there, to locate me as a potential target audience, based on my LinkedIn profile, the profile of the company I work for, my social presence. I am segmented into a potential sales bucket, my email is sold, and then the attack begins.

“Hey Nikos, I saw that your company is doing this…bla bla… our company specializes in… bla bla…” 
“Hello Nikos, I saw you are hiring for this position, our company can help you find talent… bla bla bla…”

It’s a flood… as if I suddenly become the center of the entire global market.

And this is cheap. A list of contacts, a classification algorithm, a curated message and BANG… commence the attack and let’s see what happens. The effort of the sales industry to send an automated email sequence to ten, hundreds or thousands of prospects, is exactly the same. It costs pennies.

I am a fish in the pond

I am always wary about three types of sales emails: 

#1: The first type has a link to book a demo, schedule a call or similar variants.
#2: The second is the email with the unsubscribe or opt-out link.
#3: The third email is the persistent email, the one with the numerous follow-ups, when I’ve made the conscious choice to ignore you.

Dear Sales, have you wondered how these emails make ME feel as a customer?

#1: You are a fisherman. You throw your nets in the sea, and you wait to catch some fish. You treat me like a fish and I know it.

#2: I never remember to opt-in to your emails. So, spamming me without my consent, is actually… illegal. You violate my rights and I know it.

#3: I read your email and I am not interested. But you keep pushing. You harass my time and I know it.

I need you to treat me with respect

It is super annoying to see the exact same pattern, landing into my inbox again and again. Dear sales, you are not alone. You are competing thousands of companies, battling for my attention, with the same arsenal in your hands.

I am not going to respond to your email. Unless you hit a nerve, you find me in the weak spot of looking for a solution right now, I have a blocker to overcome.

But you can do better. Innovate. Find ways to stand-out and capture my attention. Treat me like a human, with respect. Do not make me feel like another hit to meet your goal. Make it personal.

You can do it, but it is the hard path and it takes time. But you usually prefer taking shortcuts… oh well…

Nikos Vasileiou

About Nikos Vasileiou

Hello friends!
I am Nikos, CTO at Transifex & co-founder of Team O’clock.

I’ve created the Agile Squads framework and co-authored Hey Authors, a blog aggregator for the HEY World community.