Nikos Vasileiou

April 22, 2021

Odyssey of a username

Two and a half decades have passed since my first email, marking my first digital footprint into this world. So many years later, I finally managed to properly sanitize my digital identity. Here is my story.

The year I join Computer Engineering & Informatics Department (CEID) at University of Patras. Primitive internet, Netscape Navigator, Solaris... funny times.

Every student is getting a free email university address as a perk. So... one day I receive a message, like everyone else, with credentials to my first email address:

This is a cornerstone moment, as a SysAdmin (unsure who), takes the initiative to create my first username ever: nbasili

I guess his thought process is something like this:
“Nikos Basiliou” (actually it is “Vasileiou” but who cares...) -> “NBasiliou” -> “nbasili”

His decision though, would unconsciously mark my digital identity for the next 25 years. 


I become a co-founder to a computer gaming and 3D graphics startup and as a company we acquire domain.

Time of a company email right? Guess what.. why change a decade’s habit? Thus my second email address is born:

I use this as my primary email, slowly leaning away from the university one, given that my studies are over.


Company email is fine, but you can never marry companies, so it is time for a personal email brainstorming, under a new disrupting email provider... Gmail!

Great opportunity but guess what? Habit is a habit... let’s claim nbasili[at] damn... it is already taken... why not append my year of birth and get done with it? After all, putting numbers was popular back on the 2000s. So... my third email is born:


A pivotal year, as I leave my startup behind to join Transifex and... time for a new corporate email. I am given the initiative to claim my own Transifex email. Guess what? Habit is a habit! Looks like nbasili[at] is a great idea.

A few days later, CEO raises the bar and wants something better than that. Bingo! Guess I needed a push to break up with nbasili username after all. I claim vasileiou[at] Woohoo! I finally get rid of this ludicrous “b” in my surname.

CEO still not satisfied, “I need something simpler” he says. After seconds of heavy brainstorming, I say to myself: “nikos[at] could be a great option, but what happens if another Nikos joins Transifex? Why not plan for the future and be proactive?”

This way nikosv[at] is born: small, future-proof, perfect. Guess what? 8.5 years later, no other actual “Nikos” has joined Transifex. Premature optimization? Over-engineering? Well.. still a good email address.


With the tremendous psychological help from Transifex, I am finally ready to break up with that SysAdmin. It is time for my personal email, nbasili78[at] to be reborn, but.. creating another Gmail is too much of a hassle. I need a boost.

2020 is the year is launching, a radical new approach to email, a refreshing experience from a company with great culture.

This is the defining moment and the opportunity I am looking for. I head over to, determined to do it right this time. After all, I am an early adopter and I have great chances to claim a clean email username: nikos[at]

BANG! This email is taken... Dammit... ok, let’s give it another shot: nikosv[at] aaaaaand.. “Welcome to Hey!”

I made it! 25 years later, it feels so right! A personal email I can use and share without shame. Clean, small, memorable. Proud!

About Nikos Vasileiou

Hello friends!
I am Nikos, CTO at Transifex & co-founder of Team O’clock.

I’ve created the Agile Squads framework and co-authored Hey Authors, a blog aggregator for the HEY World community.