Omar Wani

January 15, 2023

Nonprofits and challenges

  1. Funding: Nonprofits rely heavily on funding from donors and grants, and a lack of stable funding can greatly impact their ability to carry out their mission. According to a study by the Urban Institute, only 12% of nonprofits have a long-term funding plan in place.
  2. Board Governance: Nonprofits are governed by boards of directors, and effective board governance is crucial for the success of the organization. However, a study by BoardSource found that only 33% of nonprofit board members felt their board was effective in fulfilling their governance responsibilities.
  3. Human Resources: Attracting and retaining talented staff can be a challenge for nonprofits, as they often have limited resources and may not be able to offer the same compensation as for-profit organizations. A study by Nonprofit HR found that 35% of nonprofits struggle with recruiting and retaining qualified staff.
  4. Impact Measurement: Nonprofits are often expected to demonstrate the impact of their work, but measuring this impact can be difficult and time-consuming. According to a study by GuideStar, only 22% of nonprofits are effectively measuring the impact of their programs.
  5. Adapting to Change: Nonprofits must constantly adapt to changes in the environment, such as changes in funding, laws, and societal needs. A survey by the Nonprofit Research Collaborative found that 53% of nonprofits reported that they were not prepared for the changes and challenges they faced in the past year.


  • "Nonprofit Finance for Hard Times" by Urban Institute
  • "Leadership Matters: Nonprofit Governance for a 21st Century" by BoardSource
  • "2019 Nonprofit Talent and Culture Report" by Nonprofit HR
  • "GuideStar Nonprofit Impact Study" by GuideStar
  • "2018 Nonprofit Survey" by the Nonprofit Research Collaborative.

About Omar Wani

Thank you for reading my mails to the world. These includes notes on love, experiences, observations, and reminders (many times to myself) about how I live by the day, day by day.

Along the way, I read beautiful words, eat awesome food, experience great brands, and take notes that I love to share with peers, colleagues, clients and you on empathy, understanding, life, and all that is just so great about being alive!

You can check out my detailed bio here
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