Omar Wani

November 16, 2021

Rumi | emptiness


Does anyone write something on a place
that has already been written over,
or plant a sapling where one already grows?
No; he seeks a blank piece of paper
and sows the seed where none has yet been

Sister, be bare earth;
be a clean piece of paper untouched by writing,
that you may be ennobled by the pen of
so that the Gracious One may sow seed within

Mathnawi V, 1961-1964
Camille and Kabir Helminski translation

* Qur'an 68:1, Surah Al-Qalam (The Pen)
Nun wa'l Qalam (opening words of the Surah).

About Omar Wani

Thank you for reading my mails to the world. These includes notes on love, experiences, observations, and reminders (many times to myself) about how I live by the day, day by day.

Along the way, I read beautiful words, eat awesome food, experience great brands, and take notes that I love to share with peers, colleagues, clients and you on empathy, understanding, life, and all that is just so great about being alive!

You can check out my detailed bio here
Enjoy reading and feel free to write.