Omar Wani

February 18, 2022

Sustainable development goals, and their real potential


A lot of us in the nonprofit strategy & communications have been kidding ourselves thinking that listing SDG Goals on our website and sticking the logo in our fundraising decks are going to get the job done. We're wrong about it. Totally. 

The UNDP produced sessions will tell you that there four key aspects of strategy, integration, optimisation, and reinforcement that make the SDG implementation real for you and your stakeholder - in the nonprofit, as well as the profit spaces.

My certification helped me deep dive, over the course of a few weeks, to look at each of four areas and understand 15 different relevant data sets that organisations must collect, process, make it aligned with the quality of decisions, ensure what is collection is actually important, and optimise as the process goes along. 


Identifying SDGs and business purposes, ESG for profits, right at the start of a year, plan, or investment is key.

Disclosures, at least annually, to stakeholders is essential for engagement and accountability.

Beginning with imperfection, and letting the processes evolved is the right way to go about it.

And reporting, to ensure SDG data collected actually helps improve decisions and performance.

About Omar Wani

Thank you for reading my mails to the world. These includes notes on love, experiences, observations, and reminders (many times to myself) about how I live by the day, day by day.

Along the way, I read beautiful words, eat awesome food, experience great brands, and take notes that I love to share with peers, colleagues, clients and you on empathy, understanding, life, and all that is just so great about being alive!

You can check out my detailed bio here
Enjoy reading and feel free to write.