Omar Wani

February 18, 2022

The science of well being

In December '21, I signed up for my first coursera topic: the science of well being from my hospital bed. Nothing major, but enough to help think about a few things.

Prof Santos runs this remarkable course at Yale that gets you to think about what is really important.

One lists cliches: money, power, fame, family, marriage, children, status, more money, and more of everything else

One learns about: the joy of experiences, giving, doing for others, and being with things while not getting used to them that helps savor more

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About Omar Wani

Thank you for reading my mails to the world. These includes notes on love, experiences, observations, and reminders (many times to myself) about how I live by the day, day by day.

Along the way, I read beautiful words, eat awesome food, experience great brands, and take notes that I love to share with peers, colleagues, clients and you on empathy, understanding, life, and all that is just so great about being alive!

You can check out my detailed bio here
Enjoy reading and feel free to write.