Lately, I have started to notice that I procrastinate more? I save things to my Pocket to read them later, but I don't. And that's not the only time I find myself procrastinating. Apparently, I should (and can) blame it on the pandemic, according to National Geographic. It is not about being, but it is more of a coping mechanism. The lockdown has caused some ambient stress issues, and our bodies (and brains) are finding new ways to deal with it. “Procrastination is an emotion-focused coping strategy,” says Tim Pychyl, a psychology professor at Carleton University in Ottawa, Ontario, and author of Solving the Procrastination Puzzle. “It is not a time-management problem; it is an emotion-management problem.”
Fascinating article, to read, or at least save it to your favorite read it later service.
Fascinating article, to read, or at least save it to your favorite read it later service.