Om Malik

April 22, 2021

Can Stem Cells Save Food?

Okay, I admit that is a bit sensationalistic subject line, but I wanted to have something catchy to get your attention for this story about the future of food. A group of researchers is working on new technologies that will use a "special kind of stem cells, known as pluripotent stem cells" with a "trick of genetic engineering" to help create cultured meat more effectively and cheaply. This technology is called opti-ox and is being used by Dutch startup, Meatable. The reason I share this story today, on Earth Day, because if climate change continues to impact our world like it has started to, we will need new ways to sustain ourselves, especially when it comes to food. Climate and its impact and how technology will help us navigate the future are among areas of interest for me. I will share more such stories. For now, start with this.

PS: In case you were wondering why I have been slow in posting, here is why