Adrian OPREA

February 22, 2022

Hacking with coding standards is better

So I just picked up Ruby.  That is an overstatement, I am actually hacking code together using Ruby on Rails and having a blast!

In about 30 hours of work I was able to do the amount of work I'd normally do in about 100 hours with Next.js and Strapi and React.js and Whatever.js.

I know this because I've ported JS work worth over 100+ hours to Rails. And I did that while learning a lot of things because I'm not a Ruby on Rails developer!  Someone might say that I also had a lot of decision-making time during those 100+ hours of building the JS version. Yes, let's say it was 20 hours! There are still 50-ish hours that went down the drain.

Anyway, in my day-to-day job I'm still mainly a JavaScript developer. I'm also a stickler for process and coding standards. I don't care which standards, I just want them to exist. So I decided that after investing 30 hours of my life into this beautiful language and framework, it would be a good time to learn how to do it right.

So here are the links I'm using on my Journey to Become a Real Boy™️

Idiomatic Ruby: writing beautiful code

Code Review: Ruby and Rails Idioms


Bon appetit!
— Original art by Enrico Mazzanti