Wherever you turn on the Internet, you see some post on how reading 52 books a year makes you smarter, or that you should read this management book, that business book or that other marketing book.
You know what these people aren't teaching you? How to do!
Doing is the hardest part in any endeavor! Why? Because it requires personal drive, it requires you to be a self-starter and, above all, it requires you to face your insufficiencies!
When you start doing something, be it working on your newest startup, the home remodelling project you've been putting off for years or simply cleaning up your room, you are faced with your lack of preparedness. All your careful planning and strategizing and knowledge are put to the test. And guess what? You will fail!
By following the advice of online-teachers-turned-self-help-gurus all you end up doing is keeping yourself in a state of wilful blindness. It's the state where you can talk at length about the latest marketing strategies, how someone should grow their business, or how you're going to™️ build yours. But you never get to the doing part. You are so convinced that you know everything you need to do, yet, you live with that feeling that you don't now enough. And by the time you're done reading the newest book with the newest techniques, those expire and don't work anymore.
So my advice — from experience, of course — is that you start doing. Nothing beats experience, not even reading books like a maniac and virtue-signalling on social media about how you read just as much as the average CEO.