Pierre-Olivier Carles

March 7, 2021

Inspiration around the corner

If you need inspiration for greatness today, search no more and read this.

Chan Hon Meng is the Chef and founder of Hawker Chan, a street-food restaurant in Singapore.

What's so special about him, you're wondering?

Chef Chan Hon Meng's street restaurant is a one-star Michelin, and that's probably the world's cheapest Michelin-starred meal you can find.


The signature dish - a chicken-and-rice meal served on a plastic plate - will cost you... $2.25.

If you know a bit about #Food, you know how getting one star in the Michelin guide is a big deal.

Michelin inspectors try to be very fair while focusing on 5 criteria only:
❤️ Cooking Technique and Mastery of Flavor,
💛 Quality and sourcing of the ingredients used,
💚 Chef's personality in his cuisine,
💙 Consistency along the years,
💜 Value you get for your money.

They don't really care about the service, the restaurant's interior design, or anything else.

Each #Michelin star is a Grail for any Chef in the world. It comes with years of hard work, a wealth of skills and knowledge, and incredible resilience.

The simple fact that Chan managed to become a Michelin-starred Chef from #Singapore's street tells a lot about him.

Inspiration is not about money; it's about greatness.

About Pierre-Olivier Carles

De mon parcours fait d’entreprises, d’investissements, de succès et d’erreurs, je tire des pensées personnelles que je partage ici, en français maintenant. Documenter ce voyage peut en inspirer d’autres, mais, à vrai dire, c’est d’abord à moi que cela apporte quelque chose.