Pierre-Olivier Carles

December 18, 2021

Merry Christmas from jail...

I just wanted to wish all of you, your families, and your loved ones, a Merry Christmas.

Yes, I know, we are not supposed to say Merry Christmas anymore, but Happy Holidays, but I never understood how you can hurt anyone's feelings with a thoughtful and honest positive message, so here I am.

It's a bit early to say it, you're right, but I'm in jail right now.
OK, it's a jail I've built for myself, my man's cave jail... but it's jail anyway, and I volunteered for it.

I've canceled most of my meetings and travels until January 2022. I am - almost - not taking Zoom meetings or phone calls and avoid whatever can take my focus away, even for 10 minutes, from 2 very special projects:
One for Digidust and one for Hart Dairy.

Here's my current routine.

I spend my days:

  • Learning from a ton of successful minds,
  • Updating spreadsheets,
  • Testing things, failing a lot or at least, not getting where I'd like it to go,
  • Changing my plans and changing them again,
  • Updating my mind mappings - definitely the best way to structure a project and explain it to your teams from my point of you,
  • Getting back to more books,
  • Listening to podcasts - especially when I go (and while I'm at) to the gym every day around 11 AM, for an hour or so,
  • Reading more blog posts, and even Twitter threads.

I wake up around 5 AM, have coffee with the crew around 7:30 AM, go to the gym at 11 AM, have lunch at 2 PM, and close the office around 8 PM to get a drink with Stephanie before having dinner all together.

Next day?
Rinse and repeat... 6 days a week, less intense on Sundays.


I think being a #ForeverStudent is the way to grow.

Also, it keeps you humble.
You can't learn what you think you already know, so your ego is definitely your worst enemy in this process.

One more thing...
The project about Digidust will revolute around the Tactical Letter. You should have a closer look, I believe it will be worth your time. The Tactical Letter will also be on Twitter and Instagram.

Merry Christmas everybody!

About Pierre-Olivier Carles

De mon parcours fait d’entreprises, d’investissements, de succès et d’erreurs, je tire des pensées personnelles que je partage ici, en français maintenant. Documenter ce voyage peut en inspirer d’autres, mais, à vrai dire, c’est d’abord à moi que cela apporte quelque chose.