If you have said " Hello, How are you?" all your life
And the other person has said " Hello, I am good. How are you?"
And it's happened and endorsed the whole life-
Then, this is a conditioned fundamental nature of being.
We live a well thought-out master plan-
Get a moment of happiness which is the pocket of air
Then we are back to the suffering of desires in life.
The truth is diminished as
the mind-
which includes thought, feeling, imagination, romanticism and sensation
is limited by the culture and the rest of it in which it lives.
How can a man know anything different?
Its for oneself to see the danger of being conditioned
Do you see that- for yourself?
Most of us, never pass the first test of living a full potentiated human
How could it be otherwise?
It could be- if there is recognition-
for the entire range of prescriptions we live by-
that psychological choice is conditioning-
with the result-
gratification or pain
Are you going to ask yourself about deconditioning and removing these shackles?
Is it possible to be unconditioned- at the greater depths of consciousness?
It is this asking- that is too much-
for many of us
because it is not easy to see what conditioning has done to the systems in the world
Therefore everyone choose to stay in prescriptions.
However, if we acutely acknowledge-
I am that-
A fork on our life path arises.
About Priyata
I wonder- a lot. So, I write my wonder here. What to expect? The chaos and curiosity that my being brings. As living a human life is not bound by definitions in the macros- the posts here will be spontaneous and identity-less! I like to give and create art. So if you buy an act of creating I will use it for things that I am passionate to give for. Obviously, a little support on my art will make me feel visible.
"Change. Change. Change. Change … change. Change. Chaaange. When you say words a lot they don't mean anything. Or maybe they don't mean anything anyway, and we just think they do."