The Rare Art of Standing Still: Raw cut on relationships and vulnerability
The first principles of many human behavior - lie in the first principles of elemental truth. Why does a human choose to either vanish into silence, sidestepping communication or accountability, in the course of many events in their life? Why does this happen? Why are we conditioned to treating the events as a fleeting shadow? The answer lies not in the act itself, but in the machinery of mind, social prescriptions and instinct that drives it.
Relationships, at their core, are patterns. They are predictable rhythms of trust, familiarity, and boundaries. But life is not so tidy. Moments arise, spontaneous, chaotic, often fueled by impulse, that fracture those patterns. A line is crossed, an unspoken rule is bent, or emotional ground shifts happen. What follows next reveals more about us than the moment itself.
The common human response is flight. A lot of this is not always physical, but mental, emotional. Why? Fear takes the wheel. It's hard to see the comfort of what-is dissolving into something that is undefined and would require definition. To acknowledge what happened is to invite a rewriting of the narrative. The normal human behavior is to sidestep it, let it fade, call it a one-time thing to bury. It’s not just weakness; it’s human, a reflex to cling to safety when the truth feels too sharp. A mirror of cowardice masked in convenience of identity. They run because they cannot face themselves. So why do we seek human accountability when we already see their flight? Is it not our own attachment to meaning that binds us to the silence or over communication of other humans?
So who is a rare individual? The rare ones don't run because they have already let go of the need to hide.
The rare, stays present. Not out of force or guilt, but because of a clear, unflinching choice. They speak “This happened. I did it. It’s real.”
No excuses, behind circumstance. Just pure ownership. Plain and direct. They stand in the truth of their actions, raw and unfiltered. That’s the first rarity.
They don’t hide from what comes next. They ask, “What does this mean? Where do we stand?” Not to control it, but to meet it. They open themselves to the fallout, the confusion, the anger, anything....without flinching. This is rare because it’s exposed, a willingness to face the other’s response and their own uncertainty head-on. It’s rare because it dismantles the ego’s need for safety, trading comfort for clarity.
Finally, they don’t erase it. They don’t pretend the old pattern can hold unchanged or walk away entirely. They navigate the shift, however messy, with steady eyes. This is integration, and it’s rare because it demands a coherence- an ability to hold the whole of oneself, flaws and all, without flinching. They live in the fracture.
Relationships, at their deepest, are not about perfection or permanence. They are about suffering and what we do when the illusion of control cracks. The common path is to flee, to preserve the self at the cost of connection. The rare path is to stay, to risk the self for the sake of truth. That’s where relationships turn from habit into something alive.
I wonder- a lot. So, I write my wonder here. What to expect? The chaos and curiosity that my being brings. As living a human life is not bound by definitions in the macros- the posts here will be spontaneous and identity-less! I like to give and create art. So if you buy an act of creating I will use it for things that I am passionate to give for. Obviously, a little support on my art will make me feel visible.
"Change. Change. Change. Change … change. Change. Chaaange. When you say words a lot they don't mean anything. Or maybe they don't mean anything anyway, and we just think they do."