
January 26, 2025

Unspoken Atman of inner calling

Everything comes down to realizations for oneself

If a scientist can understand being a scientist is of no great value for him in the realms of truth,

(S)he will realize the consumerism of dogma.

Most of life is wasted to how-to's.

Nothing in reality is linear-

Because we create our own demands by blinding to self-improvement, growth etc.

So demands feeds the supply-

So the blind leads the blind.

Things that are towards the realm of significance and reality

Are none for convincing.

Truth, doesn't gain joy that experts gain from what they say-

Everyone likes to be liked.

There is nothing wrong in that.

This is simple way human beings have learned to live

It is one of their pleasure chases-

Layers of emotional stuff - I want to help, it gives me a feeling of authority, I want so and so to give me applause etc.

If something really worked- then it shouldn't keep needing to be done.

Those are just evidences for the fact that all of these layers of emotions are tabloids.

The truth is nothing is worthwhile.

It's easy for people to see that betterment on form of money is not worth chasing.

But it's hard to see that betterment in the form of changing yourself, growth , improvements is farce.

You will be told that if you did this - you will get that.

Anything that comes with certainty is a piece of trap- lies.

Is there an odd person that lucks out to these prescriptions? Sure.

Everything is non linear - nothing is a straight line.

At the end of the day- how you feel within yourself doesn't depend on your pleasure chases.

Because the world is still going to be the world -
And the situation you experience are  still going to be the situation you experience.

One has to understand that all this is futile.

Only truth is the ultimate of the ultimate.

There is no room for the common-verse in it.


About Priyata

I wonder- a lot. So, I write my wonder here.
What to expect? The chaos and curiosity that my being brings. As living a human life is not bound by definitions in the macros- the posts here will be spontaneous and identity-less!
I like to give and create art.  So if you buy an act of creating I will use it for things that I am passionate to give for. Obviously, a little support on my art will make me feel visible. 

"Change. Change. Change. Change … change. Change. Chaaange. When you say words a lot they don't mean anything. Or maybe they don't mean anything anyway, and we just think they do."