Raul Popadineți

March 27, 2021

The Beauty of Writing

Writing is one of our oldest forms of content that’s been preserved and perfected by humanity over thousands of years. It involves a creative process that untangles our minds and puts our thoughts in order.

We can imagine that words in a book are like brushstrokes on a canvas. They are so similar it’s fascinating. Both create art, but in different forms.

We can bold, strikethrough, Capitalize, UPPERCASE, or lowercase text to transmit various messages. 

Words have different lengths and meanings. They can be vague or very specific. Some are easy to comprehend, others are hard. Some make us laugh, while others, cry.

Text can have multiple layers. You look at it and understand one thing at first sight, but when you read it a few months later, you might realize there’s a symbol hidden behind it.

Each group of letters put in a harmonious order can create art in the written form.

Brushstrokes on a canvas reflect all this in the form of painting. Each stroke has a length and color. It transmits a message, an idea, an emotion to the viewer depending on how we combine them.

A book, just like a painting, can reveal itself to a person, whereas someone else can have a hard time understanding the message behind it. The reader might distill some fragments, and it might not even be what the writer wanted to transmit, but it still inspires us in a way.

We all get inspired by other people’s art. It can be a piece of text, a painting, music, a movie, a play, or something else. The level of inspiration we get varies from person to person. But in the end, what we create has a unique voice. It’s a compound of all our experiences, inspiration, authenticity, and ideas. This is why no two creators can craft the same.

About Raul Popadineți

Creator, investor, and senior programmer at Anti-Work.
Building my first AI startup: Git Digest
Worked for 10+ years remotely and writing about my journey.