A very devout Jew dressed in all black Hasidic attire arrived for an overnight visit at a Christian monastery. He had hopes of meeting a famous monk (Thomas Merton) who lived there. As darkness neared it appeared that no one was at home. On approaching the gatehouse he saw a long rope that was connected to a large bell. To ring the bell meant holding on to a crucifix that was tied to the end of the rope.
As he stood there, he had many concerns about the crucifix including what others would think if they saw him holding it. And worse, what if he unexpectedly died during his visit. He could only imagine the worst of fake headlines, “Jew Converts to Christianity Moments Before Death”.
So, he reached above the crucifix, grabbed the rope and rang the bell. A monk appeared who had been silently watching the Jew’s prolonged hesitation and smiling said: “good solution to a problem of conscience”. Welcome.
Note: The source of this true story is Natanel Miles-Yepez as told on The New Monastics podcast. It expresses an aspect of interspiritual living for some.