Robert Rackley

May 27, 2022

The Fruit Of A Culture Of Death

We tend to think of government corruption as happening in other places. Third world countries. It’s time to start thinking about, and rooting out, the corruption in our country. All of those who take money to jeopardize the safety of our children have to be exposed and brought to justice.

Elizabeth Bruenig lays out her case that this is a society coming apart.

But these aren’t the growing pains of a society making difficult advances toward an orderly peace. These are the morbid symptoms of a society coming undone, and they arise largely from policy choices made by interested parties with material motives.

“Material motives” from politicians (especially Republicans) trump the well-being of our children.

About Robert Rackley

Robert is an Orthodox Christian, software dev manager, aspiring minimalist and paper airplane mechanic located in North Carolina.