2024 Presidential Primary Central Committee Candidates
In California each county has a Democratic Central Committee who endorse and support candidates in local, non-partisan races.
Every Presidential Primary Democrats elect representatives to the Central Committee. In San Diego County we elect 6 candidates per Assembly District.
Here are my recommendations for the 75th Assembly District that covers Mt Helix, where I now live — as well as the 77th that covers Ocean Beach where I lived for almost 30 years, and the other districts where several friends live, and some are running for election!
Assembly District 75
Aisha Chaudry
Laurelyn Chaudry
Hanaa Eldereiny
Joy Frew
Tom Frew
Ehab Shehata
Assembly District 77
Danny Avitia
Derek Casady
Nancy Casady
Mandy Havlik
Parisa Ijadi-Maghsoodi
Cynara Kidwell
Assembly District 74
Rob Howard
Amber Kae Niuatoa
Omar Hashimi
Assembly District 76
Esther Escovedo
Yusef Miller
Georgine Tomasi
Vanessa Valenzuela
Assembly District 78
Luca Barton
Rebecca Fielding-Miller
Cathie Hyatt
Oren Robinson
Lori Saldaña
Jean Huy Tran
Assembly District 79
Manuel Gomez
Samantha Jenkins
Minola Clark Manson
Patricia Normandy Dillard
Alyce Marie Pipken Allen
Frances Yasmeen Motiwalla
Assembly District 80
Delfina Gonzalez
Felicia House
Marquetta Brown
Aida Castenada
Zenith Khan
Cheers, John -- John Loughlin (619) 302-4751
About John Loughlin
Technology Prognosticator uk > physics > explosions > electronics > california > telecomm > med device board member with PANA (Partnership for the Advancement of New Americans) panasd.org looking to build greater union between immigrant tech workers and refugees