John Loughlin

June 14, 2024

Text message members of your group/club from your iPhone using Shortcuts

If you'd like to send text messages to a group of folks, each addressed and sent separately, then Apple's Shortcuts may be just the ticket. 

This example Shortcut was used to invite folks to a fundraiser. 
  • The contacts — all with a mobile phone number — were first added to a "Group" in the Contacts app
  • In the first "Ask" section of the Shortcut you should edit the Default Answer:  This is the text that will be sent, and can also be overwritten individually for each message, if required
  • Then in the "Find" section edit the Shortcut to enter the name of your contacts Group
  • Towards the bottom of the Shortcut edit the greeting e.g. Hey First Name
  • Then Run the Shortcut
  • You'll be prompted for the text to send, or can accept the default 
  • You'll see the outgoing messages in your Messages app, where you can reply to any responses

Here's a link to the Shortcut. You may have to allow untrusted Shortcuts, and set your security settings accordingly.

If you have your Mac and/or iPad setup to use your iPhone for SMS messages, you can also edit and work on those devices if you find that easier.
CleanShot 2024-06-13 at 16.41.08@2x.png

Let me know if you have questions or need help.

John Loughlin
(619) 302-4751

About John Loughlin

Technology Prognosticator
uk > physics > explosions > electronics > california > telecomm > med  device
board member with PANA (Partnership for the Advancement of New Americans)
looking to build greater union between immigrant tech workers and refugees