Ryan Hayden

August 19, 2024

A Monday Morning Dashboard

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I spent some time this weekend imagining what the perfect Monday morning dashboard for a pastor would be.  Here is what I've got so far:

Attendance from Yesterday

I'd want to know how many people attended the main service yesterday, how that tracks with attendance over the last few months, and how that tracks with attendance this time last year.  (If that data was available.)

Visitors to Follow Up On

I'd like a list of the visitors who came (if any) so I can follow up on them.  Ideally this links to information we collected from them and I can send them a message right from the tool.

Check-On List

It would be amazing if the tool kept track of people who regularly attend and who have missed services so I can check on them and make sure no one is falling through the cracks.

Prayer Requests

It would be great if it showed me the latest prayer requests added by people in the church and maybe a list of people in the church to pray for today.

People Events

I would want to know if anyone in the church had any big events coming up this week.  I'm thinking birthdays and anniversaries but also things like graduations, recitals, funerals in the family, etc.

Upcoming Assignments

I would like a list of the things I'm responsible for in the church this week.  (i.e. Sermons and other tasks)

What would you add?

  • Maybe a list of projects you are working on.
  • Maybe financial metrics for the church.
  • Maybe a missionary of the week
  • Maybe reminders to do weekly tasks (like add sermon data)

To my knowledge, no existing tool does anything like this.  I think this is the direction I want to go with the new Congregation Hub.  Not only will it be a feed and communications platform for your church family, it will be a single place where you as a pastor can keep a pulse on what is going on in the church.

I'd love to know what you think - email me at ryan@congregationhub.com with your ideas.