Michael St. Pierre

April 7, 2021

A Litany of Trusting God in Small Things

The Easter octave is one of celebration- Christ is risen! This changes everything. A challenge to this ongoing attitude of celebration is our tendency to slide back into living the way we were before Easter.

Worrying about things...
Stressing over details...
Being agitated by the faults of ourselves or others...

Before you know it, it is as if Easter never happened. To counter this sliding-back, I propose a Litany of Trust. Most of us trust God with big things- our life trajectory, our sense of purpose and call, our friendships and work.

It’s those darn small things that get in the way. Fr.Jacques Philippe argues that we just don’t trust God enough and need to try once again to recommit our daily activities to the Lord:
“And all our spiritual life consists precisely in a long process of reeducation, with a view to regaining that lost confidence, by the grace of the Holy Spirit Who makes us anew to God: Abba Father!”

Lord, I trust you with the night of rest gone by
Lord, I trust you with my morning routine
Lord, I trust you with breakfast and how I feed my body
Lord, I trust you with the first hours of work 
Lord, I trust you with those I live with and make community
Lord, I trust you with interruptions
Lord, I trust you with the flaws in myself
Lord, I trust you with the faults in others
Lord, I trust you with the meetings I will endure today
Lord, I trust you when I am cut off in traffic
Lord, I trust you when I can’t find something that I’m looking for
Lord, I trust you when I am running late
Lord, I trust you when I get annoyed by small things
Lord, I trust you when I get tired and cranky
Lord, I trust you when I take a break and need to rest
Lord, I trust you as my day unwinds, reminding me that you are the source of time
Lord, I trust you in all things, especially those small details that make life full