Michael St. Pierre

July 13, 2022

A Simple Format for Praying with Your Kids

How do you pray each night with your kids?

My family tried praying the Rosary. That went over like a lead balloon. Too long and forced.

Then, we tried a consecration to St. Joseph. Too speculative and again, too long.

We used one of the 30 days to … books and accompanying videos. The low production value was a turnoff to the kids. Eye rolls ensued.

My wife and I were pretty discouraged. After all, good Catholic parents have good praying kids, right?

Then, Covid hit and, if I’m honest, it was a gift.

Things actually began to click and I build for us a flexible nightly schedule of prayer. What I learned is that variety matters, consistency counts and brevity is preferred.

Once a week, we use a “format prayer” which is kind of like plug-and-play. Our most recent edition is found below. From start to finish: 5 minutes. Each child can use it once per week. So far, so good.

Feel free to use it or modify to suit your family’s needs.

Prayer for the Evening of (date) _________

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit

Tonight, I would like for us to ask God for the virtue of:

Courage | Humility | Zeal | Charity | Wisdom | Holy Listening

And I would like us to pray in a special way for the needs of: _______________________ (name person or persons)

From the Bible: 

-Choose one of the following 

-Psalm 23: 1-6 (The Lord is my Shepherd…)

-Philippians 4:6 (Do not be anxious)

-Matthew 6:5-13 (How to pray)

-Now read the passage, out loud, slowly

Closing prayer (pray from your heart for an increase in the virtue you’ve chosen and for the person or persons you would like us to pray for)
