Michael St. Pierre

June 16, 2021

A Tale of Two Men’s Groups

One group existed before Covid times, fully in-person. The other was born out of Covid times, fully on line and then with in-person sprinkled in.

One group survived Covid and the other did not.

One group learned the advantages of remote-first, then in person. How about your parish or your ministry? Have you emerged from Covid with a richer set of skills? Have you learned how to use both analogue and digital?

Prior to Covid, we relied on a lot of showing up and letting the magic happen. Only, if we’re honest, it didn’t happen nearly as often as we would like to think. Now, we have a chance to live our faith, post-Covid, in more creative and meaningful ways. Our ministry can now be more intentional.

Instead of a parish limping through an adult education series, in person, on a weeknight, it can book an amazing speaker online and have twice the number of parishioners attend. Instead of a nonprofit forcing employees into a dehumanizing commute, it can equip its team with a more flexible, remote-first-then-in-person approach to the office.

How has Covid changed how you do ministry?

Michael St. Pierre, Ed.D.