Michael St. Pierre

July 21, 2023

About that Head Noise

We live in a noisy world and while this isn’t particularly “new”, it’s become harder to maintain a clear, quiet mind.

Think of the last time you arrived early for Mass. Those few quiet minutes were likely filled with head noise, i.e. distractions and thoughts.

The fact is that our constant consumption of media seeps into our heads and hearts. When we want to have a truly unplugged moment, the noise shows up. Most of us just can’t turn it off at a moment’s notice.

If you struggle with head noise, as I often do, one thing you can do is to simply remind yourself, it’s just noise. It doesn’t have to rule you or sidetrack you. Sure, it’s an annoyance but remember that it’s just noise that will eventually pass.

Give it a try the next time your head bubbles up with more noise that you would like.


Michael St. Pierre, Ed.D.